Completed 36 adoptions this year and placed children into loving homes in the U.S. and Canada.

Sent 2 containers of food to the creche and the village - each container provides approximately 6 months of food to school children and children at the creche.


The Chances for Children community raised over $20,000 in donations to help provide food, medicine, computers, desks, toys and many other needed items to the orphanage and village school.


Chances for Children in collaboration with Foundation Enfant Jesus helped to complete the constuction of the village school in Lamerdelle.


Held our first Family Reunion for adoptive families. Chances for Children hosted employees of Foundation Enfant Jesus and Haitian government officials. 20 families were able to attend the reunion held in Florida.

Completed the village electricty project. Chances for Children provided the funding for this project and there is now electricity at the school, the creche and lines available to villagers.





To date we have completed over 100 adoptions and helped to create many beautiful families.

To date C4C has sent over $700,000.00 of financial support to our partner Foundation Enfant Jesus (not including adoption fees) to help improve the lives of Haitian children.

Sent 4 containers of donated supplies to help furnish the school, provide food and medicine, and medical equipment for a clinic.