LETTER OF THE DAY: Jamaica's agonising adoption process

12 February 2011
LETTER OF THE DAY: Jamaica's agonising adoption process
Published: Saturday | February 12, 2011 8 Comments
It is a crying shame to see that our children who have been neglected by their biological parents are also being neglected by the Government of this country. Families who are willing to give these children a proper home, love and a place in society are being frustrated by our uncaring leaders and the inefficient processes that they oversee.
I have been in the process of adopting a child since August 2009 and, to date, the process is yet to be completed notwithstanding the following:
All documents were submitted August 2009.
I have completed the required interview.
The mandatory home visit was completed by an officer of the Child Development Agency (CDA) in August 2010.
I have been told that all that remains to be done is for the committee/board to meet, review the case and sign off, and then it goes to the courts for ratification, Alas! Why is the process so slow? This is simply slackness and shame on the part of the minister of health and the Government, by extension.
There are many families who have the desire to adopt but have become so frustrated that many more of our children will be left to many ills like what took place at Armadale or the repeated incidents of children running away from children homes and ending up on Portmore's 'Back Road' in so-called massage parlours, or in gangs, partly because of the heartlessness of those who lead.
The best gift you can give, Mr Minister, is the chance of a better life to an abandoned child. Put the committee in place to review the cases that are now ready for closure. Or better yet, review the whole adoption process and save the life of a child.
I am, etc.,