Humanitarian Aid Initiatives of 2010


Humanitarian Aid Initiatives of 2010
Last month, all charitable organizations (NGOs) in Ethiopia had to reregister with the Federal Government of Ethiopia to obtain authorization
to operate in the country. According to the government, each charity is
strictly advised to carry out the implementation of all its programs and
activities in line with the terms of the authorized objectives. During the reregistration process, Better Future Adoption Services became authorized to
implement the following objectives:
1. Promote the well being of orphaned and vulnerable children through
child-welfare and educational programs including but not limited
to quality child sponsorship and kindergarten.
2. Establishing a model maternal and child Health Hospital and
provide curative and preventative health care services by mobilizing
medical volunteers from U.S.A.
3. Provide financial and technical support for at least two
orphanages to build their organizational capacity so they can
provide the children in their orphanage with quality care
4. Establish and run two kindergarten-grade 12th schools in two selected
sites and give orphaned and poor children access to early childhood
development and quality education.
In line with these approved objectives, our humanitarian aid projects have
been structured to currently include the following programs:
Child-welfare and educational program
Through this program, BFAS Supports two partnering orphanages:
Bethzata Children’s Home Association and Yeingda Hitsanat Merja with
financial, in-kind and technical support to improve service quality and
encourage sustainability; These two orphanages give BFAS children for
adoption by our U.S. families: The support we provide them include and
not limited to:
? Financial contribution towards their overhead cost in the amount
$2,000 per month ($4,000 per month for the two orphanages)
? Sponsor 300 children for both orphanages ($20/child/month)
? In-kind support: clothing, shoes, toys, etc.
Crisis Intervention Center
This is a highly needed project and will be the first of its kind in Ethiopia.
This project will provide shelter and legal services for victims of violence
against women and children in Addis Ababa (victims of rape, battered
women and children/domestic abuse). The project will feature:
? A four story 10 unit apartment/condominium with self-sufficiency
programs on the 1
floor including a coffee shop, Supper Market, hair
shop, etc.
? Emergency call service (like 911 in the U.S.) where victims can call the
police immediately. We will work with the Federal Police
Commission in setting-up this kind of new system.
? Legal service (in collaboration with the court system)
K-12 education
Our plan is to start with kindergarten up to grade 6 and grow from there.
This will generate income towards sustainability of the program. Support
needed include and not limited to:
? Financial to cover rent or construction of one kindergarten – grade 6
facility, administrative cost, staff and teachers’ salary, furniture and
equipment, supplies (school supply, educational toys, play ground
facility, first aid kits, etc.)
? Vehicle (two minibuses for transportation of children).
? Volunteers interested in teaching
Healthcare Project
This Project will mobilize medical professionals from the USA to provide
Maternal and Child Health services at three locations in Oromia. Until we
develop the capacity to build a hospital, BFAS is partnering with the
Ministry Of Health and the