Imagine/Hope - Ethiopian Adoptions

27 September 2009

Ethiopia Adoption

On November 27, 2009, Imagine gave the following update. For all Imagine Adoption updates, please go to

Please note that Imagine Adoption is now accepting names for a WAIT LIST to their Ethiopia Program. While the first priority will be to process current adoption files in process, the plan is to accept new applicants off the wait list, as developing timelines and processes become more clear. On November 26, 2009, Imagine commented that it could take some time before they are in a position to accept new clients. As such, there is no clear time line for this waiting list, although it is made clear that those on the waiting list will be contacted first if and when this possibility exists.


Hope Adoption has worked with families adopting from Ethiopia since 2005. Families with a heart for bringing love, hope and a future to these precious children have become increasingly interested in adoption. Unfortunately, many years of civil unrest and ongoing famine and drought have resulted in a very high mortality rate among adults and children. Approximately 50% of the 77 million people in Ethiopia are under the age of 15 and several million have been left orphaned.

Facilitating Agencies

Hope currently works with Imagine Adoption, an Ontario agency that facilitates adoption in Ethiopia. Imagine offers outstanding support to clients here in Canada as well as excellent care to the many children awaiting adoption through their loving and committed staff in Ethiopian orphanages and foster homes. All interested applicants will be placed on a waiting list by emailing (519) 260-0391

Please note that since its bankruptcy in July 2009, Imagine Adoption has been successfully re-structured. At this time, families currently in process with Imagine have been deemed first priority. Prospective adoptive parents interested in pursuing the Ethiopia program are able to put their name on a waiting list for future consideration. The expected time on the waitlist is that of a few years, although this may change.

Eligibility Requirements

Adoptive parents must be 25 and up, with no more than 50 years between the adoptive mother and proposed child.

Married any length of time – no common law or same sex married couples.

Single applicants permitted (female only).

No limit on number of children in the home.

Children Available

All children are of African heritage.

Infant to age 8.

Limited sibling and twin referrals at this time - as such, longer wait times

Case to case consideration for older children and special needs children. Children proposed for adoption are DNA tested for HIV, Hepatitis B and STD. A variety of vaccinations are also given, typically TB, measles, polio and DPT.

Waiting Period

Like all international adoptions, timelines vary. Estimated time frames for receiving a proposal after the dossier is received in Ethiopia cannot be determined at this time. Prior to the bankruptcy, timelines ranged anywhere from 12 months to 18 months for a proposal, dependent of age recommendation of the child. This time has increased. Ethiopian court dates and Canadian immigration processing of the file after a proposal is received greatly determine how quickly the family may travel to bring a child home. Two trips are required. At least one parent must travel to Ethiopia after proposal acceptance to appear at court and then again to pick up their child(ren). A typical stay of 5 to 7 days is required to complete the adoption although 8 to 10 days is recommended in order to give the family time to familiarize themselves with the country and its culture.


Applicants for the Ethiopia program will pay $6,300 to Hope Services. This fee includes $3000 for the BC Approval process as well as $3,300 for the Intercountry fee. Applicants will also pay for 3 post placement reports, which Ethiopia requires. Approximately $15,000 will be payable to Imagine Adoption for Canadian agency process costs as well as Foreign Fostering Care costs. Other costs incurred include: Criminal Record Search, Medical Report, Immigration fees and travel costs.

Summary of Process

Contact Imagine Adoption to be placed on the waiting list (

The BC Approval Process is comprised of 3 components:

application to a licensed adoption agency

completion of an educational component

completion of a home study conducted by a registered social worker

While you are on the Ethiopia wait list, you may sign up for our education seminars at Hope Services to begin part of the BC approval process. Please contact our office for further details of the dates. Once your education is complete, you may continue on to your home study. However, since the Ethiopia program is on a wait list, please be aware that your home study will need to be updated annually at further cost until you are able to enter the program officially.

Once you have been informed by Imagine that you are able to proceed with the process of Ethiopian adoption, please contact Angie Appenheimer, the Ethiopia case worker, to discuss your Ethiopia document requirements in detail.

Given the long wait list, applicants may choose to fulfill the BC Approval process. The file would then remain on hold until the program opens to new applicants. Annual updates would be required until that time.

Make application to Hope Services and fulfill BC Requirements for legal adoption (educational seminars, etc ) File held until program accepts applicants.

Obtain Ethiopia Binder as well as Imagine Adoption Ethiopia Information from Ethiopia Case Worker. Apply to Imagine separately and pay retainer fee.

Provide required documentation to Hope Ethiopia Case Worker who will compile dossier and forward it to Imagine Adoption. Pay Imagine fees.

Complete Sponsorship or Citizenship Application from Canada Immigration. Please contact Immigration specialist at Imagine for further info.

Your dossier will be authenticated/approved and forwarded to a representative in Ethiopia for translation and presentation to the orphanage

Your proposal will come from Imagine Adoption to our office and we will contact you.

Adoptive parents must travel twice to Ethiopia, once to appear in court and then to pick up your child(ren). The length of stay required is approximately 5-7 days, although longer is recommended to familiarize yourself with the country and its culture.

The adoption is finalized in Ethiopia.

3 post-placement reports required after arriving home with your child. These will be done by your social worker at Hope Services and will incur additional cost at time of report.

Support Groups

Afro-Canadian Network (ACAN) is a large and active group of adoptive parents in BC who provide ongoing support through a variety of avenues including workshops, media resources and updated listings of cultural events that help families to stay connected to African heritage. There are also mentoring programs, play groups and email networks available.

African-Canadian Network: Karen: 604-464-9944

Yvonne: 604-320-7330

Adoptive Families Association of BC 604-320-7330