Wikileaks - adoption fraud - Madagacar

2 March 2009

Illegal adoption, a problem identified in 2004, is no longer

considered a threat in Madagascar. With the revision of the 2007 law

to regulate adoption procedures, there have only been several cases

seen through the legal system this year, and no judgments have taken

place to date. The punishment for committing an illegal adoption,

which constitutes trafficking in persons, is forced labor for life.

The adoption of Malagasy infants is thus fairly well-regulated,

although the practices of adoption centers are sometimes not: UNICEF

recently reported a new practice in which the centers benefit

financially from pressuring families to put up their children for

adoption. The suspension of international adoption and stricter laws

for domestic adoption have also caused longer wait times, which is

particularly hard on children who were needlessly taken from their


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Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin

09ANTANANARIVO141 2009-03-02 13:54 2011-08-30 01:44 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Embassy Antananarivo



DE RUEHAN #0141/01 0611354


R 021354Z MAR 09



















E.O. 12958: N/A





C) 08 STATE 132759


¶1. (SBU) SUMMARY: While Madagascar is not a confirmed source or

destination for internationally trafficked men and women, during the

year there were reports of labor and sex trafficking in persons

(TIP) within the country's borders. Cultural values, poverty,

corruption, lack of funding and capacity, and weak law enforcement

all hampered the Government of Madagascar's (GOM) efforts to combat

trafficking. A series of legislative achievements and hands-on

efforts in 2007 and 2008 have pushed the GOM's fight against human

trafficking into the field via training programs, victim assistance,

and awareness campaigns. This drive seems to have slowed in 2008,

however, as the laws have not been implemented effectively across

the country. A lack of statistics hampers efforts to monitor

results, but the evidence suggests that despite continued vocal

support from the national leadership, extensive work from the

international community, and engagement at the regional level,

change on the ground has been slow to come. END SUMMARY.

¶2. (SBU) The Embassy Point of Contact for TIP is Political Officer

Jeffrey Hulse. Mr. Hulse can be reached via email at HulseJA [at], by telephone at +261 , or by fax at +261 EmbOffs spent approximately 80 hours speaking with

contacts, researching, and writing this report; POL FSN spent

approximately 8 hours supporting those efforts. The POL/ECON Chief

and Defense Attache spent approximately two hours during the

clearance process.

¶3. (U) As requested in Ref C, Embassy Antananarivo submits the

following information, keyed to the questions in paragraphs 23-27

that are applicable to Madagascar's situation.



¶A. (U) The GOM and local NGOs are anxious to document the extent and

nature of trafficking, but lack of funding and institutional

capacity remain a significant impediment to these efforts. However,

in 2008, the GOM began collecting national level data, and

established several databases to facilitate the process. The U.S.

Department of Justice's International Crime Investigative Training

Assistance Program (ICITAP) funded the creation of a Criminal

Analysis Center, including a criminal network database, completed in

September 2008. UNICEF plans to link a new database created at the

Ministry of Justice with this police database. A database to track

foster care and adoptions was also installed by the Ministry of

Health and Family Planning in 2008.

The government's statistical agency, INSTAT, in collaboration with

the International Labor Organization's (ILO) International Program

on the Elimination of Child Labor (IPEC), published the results of a

nationwide household survey that gave the first reliable figures on

child trafficking in at least a decade. Unfortunately, INSTAT does

not have technicians capable of doing an in-depth interpretation and

analysis of data. An international consultant, funded by UNICEF, is

in the process of analyzing the data; results will be published by

the end of March 2009. Data from a baseline study of child (5-18

years) victims of trafficking in high risk sites will be published

in September 2009 by PACT, a non-governmental organization (NGO)

that just initiated anti-trafficking activities this year.

In addition, each International Organization (IO) and NGO that works

on anti-trafficking projects either collects data in their

respective intervention zones or conducts studies to document the

welfare and treatment of vulnerable persons. Catholic Relief

Services (CRS) will compile statistics on knowledge, attitudes, and

behaviors of parents, vulnerable persons, and school youth in three

regions where they work; this will be available by June 2009.

A UNICEF study on the Migration of Children and Women between South

West Islands of the Indian Ocean (Madagascar, the Seychelles,

Mauritius, and the Comoros archipelago, including Mayotte) is

underway. The study was undertaken to provide information on the

possible linkages between child migration, trafficking, and sexual

exploitation. Findings will be available and shared with the GOM

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during the first trimester of 2009. However, preliminary results do

not indicate any cases of migrant labor from Madagascar to the other


¶B. (U) Madagascar may be a country of origin for internationally

trafficked women for domestic servitude or sexual exploitation,

outside of the Indian Ocean region. Though there is little concrete

proof, news sources and anecdotal evidence suggest that Lebanon may

be a destination country for trafficking of Malagasy persons. An

August 2008 report from Human Rights Watch on migrant domestic

workers in Lebanon showed that one Malagasy woman died at the age of

22; such workers are perishing at a rate of nearly one per week,

half from suicide. Forced confinement, excessive work demands,

employer abuse (including food and water deprivation), and financial

pressures were factors that contributed to these deaths. A news

article mentioned that Malagasy workers were recruited to work in

Lebanon in 1998, of which 55 were repatriated in 2002. Staff from an

IO working in Lebanon observed that several Malagasy women seen in

airplanes or at the airports in the country may have been

trafficked. Further investigation is warranted.

Illegal adoption, a problem identified in 2004, is no longer

considered a threat in Madagascar. With the revision of the 2007 law

to regulate adoption procedures, there have only been several cases

seen through the legal system this year, and no judgments have taken

place to date. The punishment for committing an illegal adoption,

which constitutes trafficking in persons, is forced labor for life.

The adoption of Malagasy infants is thus fairly well-regulated,

although the practices of adoption centers are sometimes not: UNICEF

recently reported a new practice in which the centers benefit

financially from pressuring families to put up their children for

adoption. The suspension of international adoption and stricter laws

for domestic adoption have also caused longer wait times, which is

particularly hard on children who were needlessly taken from their


Trafficking within the country's borders occurred in 2008. Local and

national newspapers published many trafficking-related stories

across the country, several of which are referenced here. The

following anecdotes and national or project-level statistics

concentrate on the trafficking of children; unfortunately, there is

little information available on trafficking of persons over the age

of 18.

Child trafficking has been a longstanding problem that is currently

exacerbated by the rapid development of the mining and tourism

industries. The National Child Labor Survey in Madagascar, conducted

by ILO-IPEC in 2007, represents Madagascar's first reliable baseline

data on child labor. It states that 438,000 children (7% of all

Malagasy children ages 5-17 years, and 23% of all economically

active children) fall into the "worst forms of child labor"

category, which includes sex or labor trafficking. Of these, 91,000

were 5-9 years of age, 190,000 were 10-14 years of age, and 158,000

were 15-17 years of age.

Sex tourism is an increasing problem, particularly in coastal cities

and Antananarivo, resulting in pervasive prostitution that is

particularly visible in areas frequented by tourists. A 2007 study

carried out by the Ministries of Tourism and Health and Family

Planning, in collaboration with UNICEF, showed that commercial

sexual exploitation of girls, as well as non-commercial

exploitation, is significant in Nosy Be and Tamatave. Between 30 and

50 percent of female sex workers were under 18 years of age. Also,

in Nosy Be it was not unheard of for parents to "give" their

children to foreign men, or for Malagasy men to "give" their wives

to sexual tourists, in exchange for money.

A significant number of children work as laborers, domestic

servants, and prostitutes in and around Madagascar's various mines,

although it is unclear how many of these cases are considered

trafficking. The three largest locations of mine-related labor and

sexual exploitation are the salt mines around Tulear, the gemstone

mines surrounding the southern town of Ilakaka, and the granite

mines near Antananarivo. Many of these children work within the

family unit, often sifting through miners' discarded piles of dirt

in the hopes of finding stones; or in the case of adolescents, they

flock to the sites and willingly work for extremely low wages in the

mines, or become domestics or prostitutes by finding clients on

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their own.

Some traditional practices contribute to the trafficking of

children. For example, in the Ihosy (south central) region, it is a

traditional practice for parents to sell their daughters at age 12

into marriage, typically in exchange for cattle, to the highest

bidder. After one year of marriage, parents often force their

daughters to divorce and remarry to receive additional goods. Forced

marriage at an early age is considered a form of trafficking;

parents reap the benefits, while the young girls are often victims

of physical and mental abuse. This year over 120 young girls fled

from cities in the south because of forced marriage, abandoning

their families and homes and becoming involved in prostitution

primarily in the towns of Tulear, Ilakaka, and Sakaraha. Another

traditional practice, although now less common, is the disposal or

selling of a child within a set of twins, usually put up for illegal


¶C. (U) The conditions into which victims are trafficked vary. While

some children working as domestics are well-treated and attend

school, others are neglected, exploited, and physically or sexually

abused. Children working in the mining and agricultural sectors, or

even as prostitutes, may endure dismal working conditions and are

poorly compensated. In cities throughout the country, young girls

and boys assist traveling vendors ("marchands ambulants") with the

loading and selling of their merchandise. In some cases, they stay

on working for the vendor as almost free labor; in others, they

hitch a ride to the final destination where they may be left behind

and not always paid for their work (see reftel D).

¶D. (U) There are two primary groups that are more at risk for being

trafficked in Madagascar: women and young girls for sexual

exploitation and domestic servitude, and young boys and girls for

forced labor, mining, and street vending. No specific groups or

categories of children are disproportionately represented in figures

reported by the ILO. Gender, ethnicity, and religion do not play a

role; the extent to which children in different regions are engaged

in certain activities is a result of economics and geography rather

than discrimination. For example, due to sex tourism, high numbers

of children exploited as prostitutes are found in coastal cities, as

well as Antananarivo. Child Protection Networks report that it is

common for children to be trafficked from the countryside and placed

as domestic servants in urban areas. In these circumstances, the

conditions that put women and children at most risk are illiteracy,

cultural traditions, and societal intimidation.

¶E. (U) There is limited information on the modus operandi of

traffickers. Post reporting relied heavily on anecdotal information

as well as a small number of studies. In the high-risk trafficking

zones outside of the capital Antananarivo, NGOs discovered that

traffickers operate on an individual basis, though there are

sometimes predetermined connections with foreigners who plan to

travel to the area. In Antananarivo, there are much larger agencies,

such as marriage or job recruitment establishments, and trafficking

networks who may sell trafficked Malagasy to unknown destinations

outside of the country. However, there are not any published

statistics or studies that have analyzed this phenomenon.

In the cases of sex and labor trafficking, victims are often lured

by the promise of lucrative jobs. Principal traffickers include

organized criminals, personal acquaintances, taxi drivers, and

distant family members. There are cases where parents are complicit,

tacitly endorsing the transaction, although some are unaware of the

poor working conditions that await their children.

Preliminary findings of a household-level child trafficking survey

indicate that there may be a network of traffickers recruiting

children from rural areas for employment as domestic workers or

prostitutes in urban centers. Trafficking of children can be found

particularly in places with rich mining, agricultural, fishing, or

traveling vendor sectors. For example, in Antsirabe, an industrial

and agricultural zone on the central plateau, many youth are

trafficked for domestic labor. It has also become more commonplace

for "businessmen" to lure young children with clothes or cell phones

in exchange for work. Even worse, they may lure parents into

entrusting their children to them; later, these children often

disappear and are sold into the trafficking market.

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Another emerging phenomenon in conjunction with the rise of foreign

companies is that young women are trafficked for the weekend. In

Moramanga, women are marketed to international workers at the local

Ambatovy mine as companions for the weekend. Though most government

officials and NGO contacts believe such recruitment is conducted by

individuals, there are growing observations of complicity within an

organized network, particularly among taxi/bus drivers.

A 2001 study carried out by the Ministries of Tourism and Health and

Family Planning with UNICEF showed that traffickers in Nosy Be and

Tamatave were mainly indigenous Malagasy persons, but could also be

foreign tourists and laborers. UNICEF reported that this remained

unchanged though there had been some positive behavioral change

observed among hotel operators, who have become more likely to

refuse room access to clients who sexually exploit children. UNICEF

plans to expand this study to other mining and tourist sites in the



¶A. (U) The President has expressed his commitment to eliminate

trafficking in Madagascar. Not only has he publicly assured the

legal protection of vulnerable persons (particularly in the fight

against trafficking) as a priority in the Madagascar Action Plan

(MAP), but in December 2008, the President conducted a field visit

to the high-risk trafficking city of Nosy Be and made strong

statements about the importance of protecting children against sex

tourism. Through its commitment to organizing prevention campaigns,

continue developing a database of cases, convene the

Anti-Trafficking Committee on a regular basis, and develop a

National Action Plan, the GOM acknowledges trafficking is a problem

and aims to retain its Tier 1 status.

¶B. (U) The government systematically monitored its anti-trafficking

efforts through the President's Inter-Ministerial Anti-Trafficking

Committee. At the regional level, Local Anti-Trafficking Boards

(LABs) are made up of 18-20 ministerial members, much like those in

the President's committee. The Committee and LABs are composed of

the following Ministries:

The Ministry of Justice: As the lead ministry in the

recently-adopted National Action Plan in the Fight Against All Forms

of Violence Against Children, the Ministry held meetings clarifying

the roles of each of the 30 responsible government actors. The

Ministry of Justice has started to rotate magistrates to different

jurisdictions around the country. The Ministry has also elaborated

standards of conduct, organized joint meetings between magistrates,

police and other key child protection stakeholders, and created a

number of new offices in the Ministry to tackle these critical

issues such as the Office of Integrity Promotion, Office of

Jurisdictions Control, Office of Communication and Office of Human

Rights and International Relations.

The Ministry of Labor: During the reporting period, the Ministry of

Labor continued implementing its 15-year National Plan to Combat the

Worst Forms of Child Labor, which often overlapped with anti-TIP

efforts. Regional Committees to Combat Child Labor (CRLTE) in the

north, southwest, and the east coast contributed to these efforts.

The Ministry of Youth and Sports: The Ministry of Youth and Sports

designed an internal three-year anti-TIP action plan for 2007 to

¶2009. Its activities contributed to end-of-project goals: to reduce

the number of TIP victims by 20 percent; to ensure 50 victims

receive social services; and to raise awareness among 500,000 youth

through social mobilization, radio and television, and other means.

The Ministry of Internal Security: The Ministry of Internal

Security continued the use of its "Morals and Minors" police

brigades to conduct both prevention and prosecution activities. At

present, such brigades are operational in Tulear, Ile Sainte Marie,

Nosy Be, Fort Dauphin, Morondava, Tamatave, Majunga, Diego Suarez,

Fianarantsoa, Ambositra, and Antsirabe. The eventual goal is to set

up such brigades in each of the 22 regions.

The Ministry of Interior: The Ministry of Interior continued the

UNICEF-financed birth registration campaign launched in 2005. Before

that time, Madagascar had no uniform birth registration system, a

weakness traffickers have exploited to traffic undocumented

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children. According to a 2003-04 study by INSTAT, 25 percent of

children in the country under the age of five were not registered.

Since March 2007, 80 percent of the population in 119 districts has

benefited from ministry-run awareness campaigns about the importance

and procedures of birth registration. Ministry technicians started

computerizing birth certificates in each of the 5,000-plus communes.

The Ministry issued retroactive birth certificates in over 119


The Ministries of Health, Education, and Culture and Tourism also

continued their TIP awareness-raising campaigns targeting children

and tourism industry workers.

¶C. (U) Though the GOM has improved the domestic legal framework, its

efforts to combat trafficking are hampered by limited capacity to

prosecute under the new law, the hesitation of the GOM to share

trafficking-related issues with the public, a disconnect between

central and regional level work, and cultural values and traditional


The prosecution of perpetrators of labor and sex exploitation

remains problematic, mainly due to deficient law enforcement,

weaknesses in the legal system, and weak penalties to deter

trafficking crimes. The Morals and Minors Brigade led the monitoring

of the application of the anti-trafficking law, but weaknesses

persist, including magistrates' difficulty using the law, delays and

deficient information on court decisions, absence of information for

victims and their families, the lack of a systematic transfer of

data to the central level; confusion in regional case reporting from

gendarmeries and police; and difficulties in handling child victim

cases in general, often due to the lack of birth certificates or

difficulty of obtaining medical-legal certificates for abuse.

According to Ministry of Justice (MOJ) officials, the law has been

actively disseminated to the 22 regions, and magistrates all over

the country have been trained in its use. However, lack of

precedent, lack of coordination among the ministries, and the lack

of a presidential decree mandating and codifying its use may be

hindering implementation of the law in practice. Without fully

implementing a system for tracking such cases, MOJ officials leave

open the possibility that individual jurisdictions may be using the

law, but the evidence suggests this is unlikely.

One NGO cited a lack of coordination between central and regional

level anti-trafficking planning and project/systems implementation.

Deficiencies in validation and leadership from the central level act

as a hindrance to the progress of the LABs. Also, without additional

funding, LABs can only commit to achieving ongoing objectives, but

will not be able to implement new measures that address gaps in


There is societal and cultural acceptance of early sexual activity,

early childbearing outside of marriage, and prostitution as an

economic activity. The 2004 ILO contribution to the National Action

Plan to Combat Child Labor in Madagascar stated that "material

rewards and sexuality have always been strongly associated in

Malagasy society. A man's generosity towards a woman increases both

his standing as well as [that of] the woman receiving gifts. In some

parts of the country, girls from adolescence onward are expected to

take care of their own material needs beyond food and lodging. It

has traditionally been acceptable for girls to entertain male

friends in separate living quarters to obtain clothing or other

items. The step from this custom to overt sale of sex is small."

¶D. (SBU) In September 2008, the U.S. DOJ's ICITAP program concluded

a project to develop a central database for documenting and tracking

trafficking cases nationwide. Training on the program was conducted

both in the capital and in several high-risk regions, and it remains

a positive example of increased cooperation between the Gendarmerie

and the Police in this field. However, financial and legal issues

threaten to derail the project: although operational for several

months now, the center still lacks a presidential decree giving its

work legal standing, and the financial backing for its future

operations remains uncertain. The GOM can potentially use this

database to report its anti-trafficking activities or statistics,

though this has not yet occurred.

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--------------------------------------------- -------

¶A. (U) In January 2008, the Malagasy Parliament adopted a law making

trafficking in persons, sexual tourism, and sexual exploitation

illegal. This comprehensive law stipulates sanctions for the

authors of such crimes, particularly when committed against

children, and prohibits both internal and transnational forms of

trafficking in persons including sexual and labor exploitation (see

appendix for full text). A full inventory of trafficking laws

includes the following:

- Anti-Trafficking Law no. 2007-038 (December 2007, adopted January


- Law prohibiting all forms of violence against children (August


- Decree 2007-563 on child labor, including the worst forms of child

labor, particularly articles 12 - 15 related to labor or sex


- Law no. 2007-023 on Child Rights and Protection details protective

measures connected with abuse and exploitation

- Penal Code provision prohibiting pedophilia, statutory rape, and

procurement of minors for prostitution

- Penal Code [Decree 1111, (1966)] barring young adults under the

age of eighteen from nightclubs and discotheques

- Law no. 2007-022 stipulating the legal age for marriage is 18

years for both sexes

- Law no. 2003-044 of the Labor Code (July 2004)

- Convention 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labor (2003)

- Optional Protocol on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution, and

Child Pornography (2001)

- Convention 138 on the minimum working age - set to 15 years


The ILO and UNICEF believe certain penalties related to the

trafficking of children are considered to be inadequate to deter

such crimes. The ILO is working with the Malagasy government to

draft a new law with tougher sanctions.

¶B. (U) The prescribed and imposed penalties for trafficking people

for sexual exploitation are as follows:

SEXUAL EXPLOITATION - According to Article 334 of the Penal Code,

"Art. 334 quarter: Sexual exploitation, as defined by article 333

ter, is punishable by five (5) to ten (10) years of imprisonment and

a fine of four to 20 million Ariary (USD 2,000 to 10,000). Any

perpetrator committing sexual exploitation is sentenced to forced

labor for life if committed on a child aged below fifteen years of

age, regardless of gender.

PIMPING - According to Article 334-35 of the Penal Code, pimping

cases involving minors and/or the use of force carry a sentence of

five to ten years imprisonment and fines of four to 20 million

Ariary (USD 2,000 to 10,000). Pimping of adults carries two to five

years imprisonment with a fine of one to 10 million Ariary (USD 500

to 5,000). If pimping is conducted by an organized group, the

punishment is forced labor and four to 40 million Ariary (USD 2,000

to 20,000). If torture or barbaric acts are involved, the punishment

ranges from "forced labor" to life in prison. "Art. 334 ter: Anyone

who hires, involves in or abducts for prostitution, an individual

even if (s)he consents, is sentenced to two (2) to five (5) years of

imprisonment and a fine of one to 10 million Ariary (USD 500 to

5,000). If the violation has been committed on a child under fifteen

years of age, regardless of gender, the perpetrator is sentenced to

forced labor for life."

PIMPING PUSH from FAMILY - Article 335.2 states that the father or

mother or other ascendant, who encourages directly or indirectly

ANTANANARI 00000141 007 OF 018

child prostitution by letting a child live a liberal and independent

life, thus enhancing sexual exploitation and/or tourism on the

child, in a national or international setting, is sentenced to five

(5) to ten (10) years of imprisonment and/or a fine of four to 20

million Ariary (USD 2,000 to 10,000). The same sentences apply if

the perpetrator is either the brother or the sister of the underage

victim or any individual holding a similar position in the family,

i.e. any individual usually or occasionally living with the child

and having authority over the child."

PORNOGRAPHY - According to Article 346-47 of the Penal Code, use of

children in pornography carries a sentence of two to five years

imprisonment and a fine of one to 10 million Ariary (USD 500 to

5,000). If the child is under 15 years of age, this punishment

increases to three to ten years of imprisonment and a fine of four

to 20 million Ariary (USD 2,000 to 10,000).

CHILD LABOR - Penalties for trafficking provisions of the Child

Labor Law (Decree No. 2007-563) included in the Worst Forms of Child

Labor are mostly addressed through the Penal Code including up to

two years of imprisonment and fines up to MGA 2 million (USD


¶C. (U) The law stipulates penalties for trafficking for labor

exploitation, labor recruiters who engage in recruitment of laborers

using knowingly fraudulent or deceptive offers, and employers who

switch contracts without the worker's consent as a means to keep the

worker in a state of service. Article 262 of the Labor Code

specifies that the penalties for trafficking for labor exploitation

and "contractual fraud" are one to three years of imprisonment and

one to four million Ariary (USD 500 to 5,000). While it is the

responsibility of labor inspectors to note the infraction, open the

investigation, and send the case to court, this rarely happens, as

it is difficult to catch an employer in the act.

¶D. (U) The prescribed penalties for rape or forcible sexual assault

are as follows:

RAPE - Under the Malagasy Penal Code, the minimum penalty for rape

is five years detention. If the rape involves a person less than

fifteen years of age, the penalty is five years forced labor.

STATUTORY RAPE - Article 331 of the Penal Code states anyone

attempting to have non-violent sex with a child under the age of 14

will be punished with five to ten years of imprisonment and a fine

of two to ten million Ariary (USD 1,000 to 5,000).

INCEST - Article 335.3 states that any sexual intercourse among

close parents or siblings up to the 3rd degree, in a direct or

collateral line, whose marriage is prohibited by the law; or any

sexual abuse committed by the father, the mother or any other

ascendant or any individual having authority over a child is

considered incest. Anyone who commits incest is sentenced to forced

labor for life if the act is committed on a child. In other cases

of incest, the perpetrator is sentenced to five (5) to ten (10)

years of imprisonment and a fine of USD 2,170 to 10,800 (4,000,000

to 20,000,000 Ariary).

¶E. (U) Though the new anti-trafficking law has been used in court on

several occasions, it has not yet resulted in a prosecution. Also,

there were no reports during the year of arrests specifically for

trafficking. However, traffickers may be prosecuted under provisions

prohibiting procurement of minors for prostitution, pedophilia,

pimping, and deceptive labor practices.

A centralized database in the Criminal Analysis Center (see 23A) was

established in September 2008 under the authority of the Secretary

of State (now Minister) for Internal Security; it is now

operational, but currently lacks the required legal standing for use

in court, and is generally limited to cases in Antananarivo.

Nevertheless, the GOM had difficulty providing information on

specific trafficking cases. Officials at the Ministry of Justice

must currently call each of the 36 jurisdictions to obtain

statistics on such cases.

There were several known cases of trafficking-related prosecutions

during the reporting period, although they did not use the specific

anti-trafficking law. According to UNICEF, in Fort Dauphin, six

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child abusers were in the process of being prosecuted in 2008. In

January 2008, a 60-year old man from Reunion was arrested for sexual

exploitation of a minor in Nosy Be. Four other people from Reunion

were considered accomplices and deported from the country. The

offense took place at a French-owned establishment in Nosy Be. A

foreign national was also imprisoned in Tamatave for sex tourism in

September 2008. Also, three French citizens' cases for indecent

assault or statutory rape were either dismissed or punished with

suspended sentences, while the case of a French-Vietnamese couple

being tried for pandering in January 2008 was dismissed for

inability to overcome reasonable doubt. The verdict is under appeal,

but has not yet been reexamined; the couple reportedly still

operates a hotel in Nosy Be.

Techniques such as electronic surveillance and undercover operations

are far too costly to be used by the GOM. The Ministry of Internal

Security established a Morals and Minors Brigade in six major cities

(see 24B). These specialized units respond to reports or complaints

concerning children. The Brigade of Morals and Minors' prosecution

activities included conducting traditional investigations of a

number of issues such as pimping, trafficking, and statutory rape.

¶F. (U) The National School of Magistrates and Clerks (ENMG) recently

included approved legislation on child protection in its curriculum

and the training of Magistrates, and conducted various Magistrate

trainings at the central and field levels. These efforts complement

trainings already conducted by the Ministry of Justice. In

collaboration with the ENMG and UNICEF, the French NGO Groupe

Developpement conducted trafficking legislation and child protection

trainings that benefited 216 stakeholders in four high-risk sites

and 1,500 people nationwide.

The Ministry of Justice, National Police, and Gendarmerie worked

with UNICEF to develop training modules on child rights and

safeguards for officials working in child protection networks. In

June 2008, the GOM completed a one-year program to train and assist

security forces in the protection of children, including how to

recognize, investigate, and prosecute instances of trafficking.

¶G. (U) The GOM is beginning to actively cooperate with other

governments in the investigation and prosecution of trafficking

cases. The GOM has judicial cooperative agreements with France

(Reunion) and Mauritius that are already being used as a basis for

multilateral TIP efforts. Also, the Police cooperated with

neighboring countries and Interpol in the investigation and

prosecution of trafficking cases.

¶H. (U) The 2008 anti-trafficking law (see appendix) allows the GOM

to extradite persons charged with trafficking in other countries and

permits the extradition of Malagasy nationals. To date, however, the

government has not extradited persons charged with trafficking in

other countries, nor has it permitted extradition of Malagasy


¶I. (U) There are few examples as to how the government at any level

tolerates or is involved in trafficking. In one specific case,

officials in Tulear were issuing counterfeit identification cards to

young girls. As many as two out of three young girls in Mangil and

Ifaty (a beach destination 30km north of Tulear) are reported to

have fake IDs. With increased access to night clubs, this practice

perpetuates sexual exploitation of young girls by the foreigners or

other wealthy locals that frequent these locations.

In areas of high sex tourism, some local officials feel frustrated

by their institution's chronic lack of funding and resources for the

investigation and prosecution of foreign pedophiles, and therefore

develop a certain level of tolerance. Anecdotal evidence suggests

that local police and magistrates in tourist areas often hesitate to

prosecute foreign pedophiles due to corruption, pressure from the

local community, or fear of an international incident. Additionally,

numerous unregistered and unregulated small businesses create an

environment in which trafficking-related activities can go unnoticed

among other economic activities.

¶J. (U) Although some officials were punished in 2007 for colluding

with traffickers or accepting bribes to overlook trafficking crimes,

the Ministry of Justice was unable to report any such cases in 2008.

Several of the cases reported in last year's TIP report did result

ANTANANARI 00000141 009 OF 018

in suspensions being served (the district chief and the president of

the tribunal in Nosy Be, and the president of the tribunal in Fort

Dauphin) or officials being relocated (as in the case of a

prosecutor in Fort Dauphin), but no more severe punishments or new

cases have been reported.

¶K. (U) Prostitution is not a crime, though the legal minimum age is

15 years. However, related activities, such as pimping, are illegal

with greater punishment if conducted by an organized group or if

torture or barbaric acts are involved. Only clients of underage

prostitutes can be prosecuted. Perpetrators who commit sexual

tourism can be prosecuted with more harsh sentences if committed on

a child less than fifteen years of age. There is a regulation

(Decree 1111, (1966), of the Malagasy Penal Code) barring those

under the age of eighteen from nightclubs and discotheques and

subjecting offending owners to fines and jail terms. The regulation

is not enforced uniformly due to lack of capacity and resources.

¶L. (U) The government provided pre-deployment anti-trafficking

training to the 16 Malagasy soldiers deployed as part of a

peacekeeping mission in Sudan. There were no reports of Malagasy

soldiers engaging in severe forms of trafficking while on mission.

¶M. (U) Madagascar has confirmed a child sex tourism problem. The

GOM was unable to provide statistics as to the total number of

foreign pedophiles prosecuted during the year, though the

traditional countries of origin for sex tourists include: Mauritius,

Reunion, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Switzerland. The

Embassy is aware of at least one major case in Nosy Be of a foreign

pedophile (from Reunion) prosecuted in 2008, with others kicked out

of the country.



¶A. (U) A July 2004 UNICEF project proposal states that "the

government social welfare system is extremely limited due to a lack

of human resources with relevant background and experience, the lack

of government budget for activities, and low government salaries.

Most welfare services are provided by international and local NGOs

(like UNICEF)." While much of this still holds true, the GOM has

made steady progress since 2004 to rescue victims and assist their


A Child Rights Protection Network, which operates at the commune

level, was created by the Ministry of Health and Family Planning,

with support from UNICEF. In 2008, the network grew to include 65

communes (up from 14 in 2007), and UNICEF hopes to include the

participation of over 200 communes by the end of 2009. The Network

supports the coordination of several local level children's rights

and protection entities, including the police, the gendarmerie, the

Ministries of Education and Justice, and local authorities. The

Network works to identify abuse cases and assures that victims have

access to the appropriate social services available in each area. In

addition, all stakeholders play a role in monitoring and reporting

child rights violations and responding to the needs of the child. In

Antananarivo, the "fiansos", or child protection networks, and the

"celles de veille" (monitoring networks) are made up of neighborhood

representatives that identify and follow child abuse cases

(including potential trafficking victims) and inform the village


¶B. (U) USG assistance to Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and PACT

have resulted in the development of four Welcome Centers in

Antananarivo, Tamatave, Tulear and Nosy Be, which provide shelter,

counseling, and reintegration assistance to victims of child abuse

and trafficking. Children are sometimes placed with foster families

as an emergency shelter and short-term housing arrangement. In

addition, civil society, NGOs, and churches made their premises

available for Child Protection Network activities - to be used as

listening and emergency centers for victims of trafficking. PACT

plans to establish emergency shelters for child trafficking victims.

Personnel at these centers will help place children back in schools,

provide professional training, and support vulnerable families by

coordinating microfinance opportunities or income-generating

activities. The GOM does not fund or operate any of these centers.

ANTANANARI 00000141 010 OF 018

The Ministries of Justice and Health and Family Planning

collaborated to establish counseling centers in Antananarivo and

Fianarantsoa for adult and child victims of a range of abuses,

including sexual and commercial exploitation. The GOM has also

established two Provincial Child Labor Monitoring Units in Diego

Suarez and Antananarivo; it is seeking resources to staff a third

unit in Tulear.

¶C. (U) The GOM does not provide funding at the central or regional

levels to support social, medical, or legal services for victims of

trafficking. However, assistance provided by the GOM was in kind -

technical assistance, office space, etc. to NGOs and IOs. The ILO,

one of the biggest donors to the Ministry of Labor, directly funded

NGOs to provide protection services for child labor and trafficking

victims. The USG (via USAID and DOL) and UNICEF provided a large

proportion of the funding for trafficking victim services.

Welcome Center physicians provided medical and psychological

counseling services, while Ministry of Labor inspectors taught

job-finding skills to rescued victims. The GOM provides shelter,

counseling, and reintegration assistance for victims through

counseling and Welcome Centers, funded by donors through the GOM's

Public Investors Program (PIP). While the GOM provides legal

protection for victims, it does not provide physical protection

outside of the Welcome Centers. Post was unable to access

information regarding the number of victims who benefited from

Welcome Center services.

The four UNICEF sites in Ambanja, Diego, Nosy Be, and Fort Dauphin

offer trafficking victims counseling, emergency housing/fostering,

police protection, legal services through specialized judges, and

referral doctors who can identify cases of abuse.

¶D. (U) The MOJ reported no foreign trafficking victims in 2008.

¶E. (U) The GOM does not provide long-term shelter or other resources

to victims of trafficking. However, centers funded or run by

UNICEF, CRS, PACT, and the GOM (through PIP) offer assistance and

often companionship throughout the entire process from

identification of a victim to court cases to transport home. At

these centers, rescued children under the age of 15 are reintroduced

to the educational system; children over 15 receive vocational

training and are placed with companies. In addition, certain

welcome centers provide reinsertion activities such as cooking and

embroidery classes, donation of materials such as sewing machines or

rickshaws, and school registration to help reintegrate victims of


In 2008, the GOM facilitated the reintegration of two young

trafficked girls who were recovered from a protection network in

Diego and returned to their families in Ambanja and Nosy Be.

Services included transport back to their home towns and the means

to enroll them in school.

¶F. (U) The GOM does not have a formal referral process. However,

NGOs or IOs managing welcome centers work within a network of

individuals committed to taking care of trafficking victims.

Concerned citizens refer victims to centers and then the centers'

social service personnel will determine what type of support is

needed (counseling, medical, police, legal) and provide

transportation and accompaniment. An established governmental

protection network, called the Child Rights Protection Network,

created by the Ministry of Health and Family Planning with support

from UNICEF, operates at the commune level with a three-pronged

approach: 1) prevention, 2) identification and

reinsertion/rehabilitation of child victims, and 3) prosecution of

perpetrators through law enforcement. The coordinated effort of

local level authorities from the police, gendarmerie, and Ministries

of Education and Justice, act as an informal referral system. The

need for such networks is illustrated by the increasing demand for

services from 2007 to 2008 in all UNICEF-funded sites: child victims

increased from 5 to 91 in Ambanja, 11 to 46 in Nosy Be, 0 to 18 in

Fort Dauphin, and an unrecorded amount to more than 200 cases in


¶G. (U) The new central database to track criminal cases will be

helpful in the future in identifying trafficking victims (see 23A).

However, as in previous years, this report relied on NGO and IO

ANTANANARI 00000141 011 OF 018

studies and reports to estimate and extrapolate the total number of

trafficking victims. All of the identified victims were referred to

care facilities, though there is no method of tracking who gave the

referral, short of looking at individual records at each drop-in or

emergency care shelter/center. The GOM did not have functioning

government-funded assistance programs; 100% of the trafficking

victims were assisted through NGO or IO funded centers.

In 2007 and 2008, CRS project Aina ("Life" in Malagasy) identified

24 total trafficking victims seen over the last two years and

project Fitia ("Love") provided services to 203 trafficking victims.

UNICEF reported the reintegration of two female trafficking victims

in 2008. The 2007 National Child Labor Survey conducted by ILO

registered over 400,000 children that are involved in the "worst

forms of child labor", of which an unknown percentage would be

considered trafficking. A national level estimate of the total

number of trafficking victims in Madagascar will be available at the

end of March 2009 from the ILO.

¶H. (U) The GOM does not have a formal system to screen for potential

trafficking victims among high-risk persons or those involved in the

commercial sex trade. This is a gap that has been identified by NGOs

and regional LABs; unfortunately, without funding it is difficult to

move forward. Nevertheless, young girls who do not know that they

are trafficked do not consider it trafficking. Therefore, any

measures to screen for victims would have to involve the

characteristics of trafficking, not the term itself.

¶I. (U) Victims' rights are generally respected; they are not

detained, arrested, jailed, fined, or prosecuted for violations of

other laws. NGOs strive to respect the rights of trafficking

victims, especially the right to confidentiality. However, despite

NGOs' efforts to explain legal protection to women and girls, few

lodged official complaints or sought redress when their legal rights

were compromised due to illiteracy, cultural traditions, and

societal intimidation.

¶J. (U) The GOM encourages victims to assist in the investigation and

prosecution of trafficking. Victims may file civil suits or seek

legal action against the traffickers, and their right to seek legal

redress is not impeded.

¶K. (U) UNICEF developed a "Prosecution of Perpetrators" program in

order to train police, gendarmes, magistrates, and social workers in

the protection of children including how to recognize incidences of

trafficking, investigate cases, and prosecute offenders. Training

of the police and gendarmeries in the area of child protection was

also linked with a US Embassy project on investigation procedures

related to child sexual exploitation. Individuals involved in these

training programs received a training guide on identifying abuse, a

module on how to listen and support child survivors of abuse and

exploitation, and a booklet on legislation and procedures to support

the police and judges' work.

¶L. (U) There have been no cases of repatriated nationals who were

victims of trafficking in 2008.

¶M. (U) IOs and NGOs such as UNICEF, Catholic Relief Services (CRS),

PACT, Belle Avenir (a Malagasy NGO), Groupe Developpement (a French

NGO), and Enfants du Monde (a French NGO) have the GOM's endorsement

to provide basic services to trafficking victims.

UNICEF works in four high-risk locations: Ambanja, Diego, and Nosy

Be in the north, and Fort Dauphin in the south to provide youths and

their families with adequate information, education, and life skills

to prevent them from becoming victims of abuse, exploitation, and

trafficking. They have trained over 3,000 children, over half from

vulnerable families. Working in coordination with the Ministry of

Health, UNICEF expanded its financial support and technical

assistance to child rights and protection networks from 14 to 65

locations. These multi-sector networks bring together government

institutions, NGOs and law enforcement officials. Their main

activities include: monitoring cases of child abuse and reporting

them to the authorities, raising awareness of child rights and

protection, strengthening local coordination, assisting children and

their families with the legal process, and providing psycho-social

care, rehabilitation, and reintegration.

ANTANANARI 00000141 012 OF 018

Through Department and USAID funding, CRS worked with the Ministry

of Justice and civil society organizations from late 2006 to

November 2008. The two programs, Fitia and Aina (see 26G), assisted

victims and at-risk populations in Nosy Be, Tamatave and Tulear. In

addition, some support services were situated specifically around

mining companies Ambatovy, QMM, and Tirinomandites. Fitia provided

counseling and other social services to 203 trafficking victims who

visited one of four social service centers in Tulear, Tamatave, and

Nosy Be. Through the Fitia program, trafficking victims received

medical, psychosocial, and/or judicial support. Project Aina was a

two-year project that provided psychotherapy to 24 trafficking

victims in Nosy Be and Tamatave (18 female, 6 male, 14 for sexual

exploitation, 10 for labor exploitation). In addition, Aina's

implementing partners were safety net centers that take in and care

for trafficking victims.

PACT Madagascar, an international non-profit funded by the USDOL,

developed Kilonga ("Child" in Malagasy), a program started in 2008

to fight against child labor, aiming to reach 9,000 children who

already have been or may be at risk of being trafficked. Project

intervention zones include the regions with the highest prevalence

of the worst forms of child labor including Ft. Dauphin,

Fianarantsoa, and Antsirabe in the southern half of Madagascar;

Antananarivo, Moramanga, and Tamatave in the central highlands and

the east; and Diego in the north.

Groupe Developpement works throughout the country to provide the

following services for young female victims of commercial sexual

exploitation: psychosocial services, welcome center and night

shelters, remedial education, recreational alternatives, and

vocational training.

In addition to networks of local NGOs, there are several French NGOs

working specifically on issues affecting vulnerable children.

Enfants du Monde implements activities focusing on child

maltreatment and abuse, which includes trafficking. Belle Avenir

educates youth, reintegrates vulnerable children into schools,

coordinates a weekly trafficking film and debate, and provides

income-generating activities for victims (i.e. sewing for females

who were trafficked into prostitution).



(U) TIP awareness continues to increase in Madagascar through

aggressive information campaigns reaching thousands. In light of

the fact that many of the young people who fall into trafficking and

forced labor leave school prematurely and lack awareness of their

rights and economic alternatives, the government's prevention

campaigns took a holistic, empowering approach by addressing a

number of related issues that play a role in the overall problem.

Given the absence of educational or economic alternatives in most

areas where trafficking is prevalent, awareness programs sometimes

fall on deaf ears, though community members have started

acknowledging that trafficking exists and can identify cases.

¶A. (U) The Ministries of Justice, Education, Labor, Social

Protection, and Health and Family Planning (MOHFP), were involved

with a variety of major national TIP campaigns.

World Day Against Child Labor, including trafficking and sexual

exploitation of children, on June 12, 2008 was supplemental to

ongoing efforts. The day presented an opportunity to reinforce

social mobilization and deliver the message to the Malagasy public.

In addition, starting in May 2008, a national campaign against child

sexual exploitation and child maltreatment included key messages on

sex tourism in its communication materials such as posters, a short

film, and TV and radio spots.

The Ministry of Health and Family Planning: The MOHFP initiated

Local Anti-Trafficking Boards or LAB Committees that began operation

in 2007. Because of LABS' efforts to sensitize people on TIP-related

issues, many care centers received an increasing number of cases. In

partnership with the NGO Groupe Developpment, the GOM established a

national campaign against child sex tourism by printing thousands of

copies of posters posted in hotels in the main tourist sites in the

country. Information was disseminated to over 40,000 tourists

during major national events, and establishing messages in the

ANTANANARI 00000141 013 OF 018

"Passport to Madagascar" welcome booklet given to all incoming

travelers as part of the visa process include anti-trafficking

messages. Efforts at the local level continued to raise awareness,

sensitize, and mobilize individuals resulting in a more proactive

attitude by local leaders in the detection and follow-up of child

abuse cases.

The Ministry of Justice: The Ministry of Justice, with UNDP

support, launched a film as part of their TIP information and

prevention campaign. The film was widely distributed to sensitize

government, religious, and civic authorities. The Ministry of

Justice also started to permanently provide information through the

media and public gatherings. In collaboration with the Ministry of

Justice, CRS televised debates on TIP-related issues; organized a

competition with nationally and regionally famous singers; developed

a radio soap opera competition among youths mobilizing Ministry of

Education regional representatives, school directors, and teachers;

created and distributed 200 copies of a TIP bulletin; and developed

publications of 29 TIP articles in the press. In addition, peer

education mobilized youth associations, centers, and schools.

The Ministry of Labor: In May 2007, as part of the ongoing "red card

campaign" to raise awareness about the fight against child labor,

the government worked with the Malagasy Soccer Federation (FMF) to

conduct awareness campaigns around the country; this campaign

continued into 2008 with ongoing support from the FMF and ILO-IPEC.

The Ministry of Youth and Sports: The Ministry of Youth and Sports

designed an internal three-year anti-TIP action plan for 2007 to

¶2009. Its activities in 22 target zones included raising awareness

among youth through social mobilization, radio, television, and

training of youth educators.

The Ministry of Internal Security: Working closely with parent and

religious organizations, the Ministry of Internal Security has

continued its educational and awareness raising campaigns on child

exploitation, statutory rape, prostitution, and legislation

concerning the protection of minors, with a particular focus on

speaking to students in schools. As a result of these

awareness-raising initiatives, officials have noticed the number of

people stepping forward to file child-related complaints has

significantly increased.

¶B. (U) The GOM adequately monitors immigration and emigration

patterns from Ivato International Airport in Antananarivo, but does

not focus on trafficking. Madagascar is an island nation with 5,000

kilometers of porous and unprotected coastline. However, the

Ministry of Justice is not aware of any allegation of international

trafficking involving Malagasy victims.

Currently, border law enforcement agencies are not trained to screen

for potential trafficking victims. However, UNICEF plans to include

a specialized training for Air Madagascar (the national airline),

personnel working at ports, and bus and taxi associations (the best

opportunity for identifying victims of trafficking).

¶C. (U) Since 2004, the President-led inter-ministerial

anti-trafficking committee has been the principal coordination and

communication mechanism on anti-trafficking activities at the

central level. The committee includes representatives from the

Ministries of Labor, Education, Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports,

Defense, Justice, Health/Family Planning, Foreign Affairs, Interior,

and Public Security. The government Committee for the Safeguard of

Integrity (CSI) that designs anti-corruption policy and BIANCO, the

independent anti-corruption bureau that was launched in 2004 to

conduct investigations and implement CSI directives, are members of

the anti-trafficking committee.

In practice, however, the Ministry of Justice leads the national,

regional, and local coordination and the follow-up of the

implementation of the National Action Plan to Fight Violence against

Children, including elements linked to anti-trafficking. Trafficking

issues are also addressed by the National Committee to Combat Child

Labor (CNLTE is the French acronym). The CNLTE features

representatives from the GOM, NGOs, and civil society. Additionally,

the National Social Protection and Risk Management Program is being

finalized and includes adequate measures for the reinforcement or

creation of systems and structures to provide early prevention,

ANTANANARI 00000141 014 OF 018

reinsertion, and rehabilitation services for children.

At the regional level in high-risk trafficking zones, local

interministerial anti-trafficking boards (LABs) coordinate

activities and develop action plans in order to combat trafficking.

These boards of about 20 members mirror the ministerial participants

of the President's committee. The regional level LABs have been

successful in improving anti-trafficking networking and social


¶D. (U) The GOM adopted the National Action Plan to Fight Against All

Forms of Violence against Children in December 2007, covering for

the period from 2008 to 2011; this includes anti-trafficking

initiatives. The Ministry of Justice is leading the implementation

of this action plan. The National Action Plan to Fight Child Labor

is a comprehensive policy, including TIP, covering the 15-year

period from 2004 to 2019. The GOM created the National Committee to

Fight Child Labor (CNLTE) and its regional counterparts in October

2004 to coordinate and implement this plan.

¶E. (U) The GOM has taken a number of measures to reduce the demand

for commercial sex acts. The government continued with its national

awareness campaign by hanging posters throughout airports and hotels

and including a full-page warning in the customs booklet given to

arriving international passengers warning sex tourists of the

consequences. The government publicized the trials and convictions

of several sexual exploiters and pedophiles to dissuade future

would-be sex tourists.

¶F. (U) At time of reporting, there have been no confirmed cases of

Malagasy nationals being accused of participating in international

child sex tourism.

¶G. (U) Madagascar provided fewer than 100 troops to international

peacekeeping efforts.

TIP Hero


Post nominates Commissaire Mandimbin'ny Aina Mbolanoro RANDRIAMBELO,

head of the Morals and Minors Brigade within the National Police,

for her dedicated work in building capacity, advocating for change,

and working with both Malagasy and international contacts to advance

the fight against Trafficking in Persons. Ms. Randriambelo is

extremely committed to her duties, and has the ability to motivate

teams of people both in Antananarivo and the outer regions who make

a difference in the country's ability to combat trafficking. She is

the lead person within the Ministry of Internal Security working on

this issue, and is recognized across the GOM and the international

community for her high-profile work at the national level, and

tireless public advocacy for this important cause.

Ms. Randriambelo has been vetted through CLASS, and has no visa

ineligibilities or otherwise derogatory information.



The text of the law adopted in December 2007 making trafficking

illegal is as follows:

"The National Assembly and the Senate have adopted the Law during

their respective session on December 7, 2007, and

December 17, 2007, with the following content:

Article One.- The present draft law is designed to:

- implement prevention measures against trafficking in persons,

sexual exploitation and sexual tourism

- modify and complete some provisions of the Criminal Code so as


rule over any form of trafficking in, sale of, abduction and

exploitation of persons; prevent and fight against trafficking

in persons; sanction traffickers; protect and assist trafficking in

persons victims by fully respecting their basic rights, specifically

to prevent women and children from becoming new victims.


ANTANANARI 00000141 015.2 OF 018


Article 2.- So as to fight against trafficking in, sale of,

abduction and exploitation of persons, including children, the

programs, social initiatives and other measures of information,

education and communication to be broadcasted through the media

throughout the national territory by all authorized structures, as

well as the measures of coverage by the Government, are determined

by a decree issued by the Cabinet.

Article 3.- The cooperation of Non-Governmental Organizations, multi

and bilateral agencies, foreign Governments, and civil society with

the Government must be effective for the implementation of the

established programs and measures.

Article 4.- An office, to be established within the conditions

determined by a decree issued by the Cabinet will be in charge of

determining the types of valid and necessary transportation

documents, detecting the necessary means and methods used by any

individual or group to organize the trafficking of persons.



Article 5.- After article 331, an article numbered 331 bis is

included and worded as follow:

"Art. 331 bis: Anyone violating morals by exciting, enhancing or

facilitating, in order to satisfy anyone's passions, debauchery,

corruption or child prostitution regardless of gender, is sentenced

to forced labor for life."

Article 6.- After article 333 bis, three articles numbered 333 ter,

333 quarter and 333 quinto are included and worded as follows:

"Art. 333 ter:

¶1. A child is defined as a human being aged below eighteen years


¶2. The phrase "trafficking in persons" refers to the hiring,

transportation, transfer, accommodation or welcoming of persons

through threats or use of force or other forms of constraint,

abduction, fraud, deceit, oppression or abuse of a situation of

vulnerability, or by offering or accepting payments of benefits in

order to have the consent of a person having authority over another

person for the purpose of exploitation or illegal adoption of a

child by an individual called trafficker.

¶3. Exploitation includes the exploitation of the prostitution of any

individual or other forms of sexual exploitation, non-compensated

work, forced labor or services, domestic work by children, slavery

or any practices similar to slavery, servitude or organ retrieval.

¶4. Sexual exploitation of a child, regardless of gender, for

commercial purposes refers to the action through which an adult

obtains services from a child to have sexual intercourse in exchange

for a compensation or a benefit in kind or in cash given to the

child or to one or several third parties as provided in articles 334

to 335 bis of the Criminal Code, with or without the child's


¶5. Sexual tourism refers to the fact that a native or a foreigner is

on travel, regardless of the purpose, and has sexual intercourse in

exchange for a financial compensation or any other benefits with

children or prostitutes, these latter themselves looking for sexual

intercourse in order to obtain any benefit.

¶6. Pornography featuring children refers to any representation,

regardless of the means, of a child performing explicit sexual

activities, genuine or simulated, or any representation of a child's

sexual organs, for mainly sexual purposes.

¶7. The phrase "sale of children" refers to any action or transaction

requiring the transfer of a child from a person or a group of

persons to another person or another group of persons in exchange

for compensation or any benefit.

ANTANANARI 00000141 016 OF 018

The displacement or non-return of a child is considered as illegal

when there has been a violation of custody rights allocated to an

individual, an institution or any other organization, alone or

jointly, according to the law applicable in the State where the

child had his/her usual residence immediately before his/her

displacement or non-return."

"Art. 333 quarter: Trafficking in persons, including children, as

well as sexual tourism and incest, constitute violations.

Is considered as a child trafficker:

¶1. Anyone who hires a child, transports him/her, transfers him/her,

or accommodates him/her in exchange for compensation or any other

benefit of promise of compensation or benefit, so as to make him/her

available to a third party -- even unidentified, in order to allow

the said child to suffer the violations provided for and sentenced

by articles 334 and following on sexual aggressions and attacks,

exploitation of mendacity, working or accommodation conditions

against his/her dignity, even if they use none of the means

stipulated in article 333 ter;

¶2. Anyone who proceeds to the illegal transportation and sale of

children, regardless of the form and the purpose, namely sexual

exploitation, forced labor, slavery, practices similar to slavery

and servitude, with or without the victim's consent;

¶3. Anyone who, knowing for a fact the existence of pimping, sexual

exploitation or sexual tourism, fails to disclose or notify the

facts to the relevant authorities, in compliance with the provisions

of article 69 and 70 of the law No. 2007-023 of August 20, 2007, on

children's rights and protection, is considered as an accomplice.

Acts of participation are considered as separate violations."

"Art. 333 quinto: The consent of victims of trafficking in persons

for exploitation is considered null and void, when any of the means

listed in article 333 quarter in used."

Article 7.- After article 334 bis, three articles numbered 334 ter,

334 quarter and 334 quinto are inserted and are worded as follows:

"Art. 334 ter: Anyone who hires, involves in or abducts for

prostitution, an individual even if (s)he consents, is sentenced to

two (2) to five (5) years of imprisonment and a fine of USD 540 to

5,400 (1,000,000 to 10,000,000 Ariary).

If the violation has been committed on a child under fifteen years

of age, regardless of gender, the perpetrator is sentenced to forced

labor for life."

"Art. 334 quarter: Sexual exploitation, as defined by article 333

ter, is punishable by five (5) to ten (10) years of imprisonment and

a fine of USD 2,170 to 10,800 (4,000,000 to 20,000,000 Ariary).

Any perpetrator committing sexual exploitation is sentenced to

forced labor for life if committed on a child aged below fifteen

years of age, regardless of gender.

If the sexual exploitation is committed for commercial purposes on a

child aged below eighteen years of age, the perpetrator is sentenced

to forced labor for life."

"Art. 334 quinto: Anyone who has sexual intercourse with a child in

exchange for any form of compensation or benefit is sentenced to two

(2) to five (5) years of imprisonment and a fine of USD 540 to 5,400

(1,000,000 to 10,000,000 Ariary).

Any attempt to commit this crime is subject to the same sentences."

Article 8.- After article 335, nine (9) articles numbered 335.1,

335.2, 335.3, 335.4, 335.5, 335.6, 335.7, 335.8, 335.9 are included

and are worded as follow:

"Art. 335.1: Any perpetrator who commits sexual tourism, as defined

by article 2, 4' of the present law, is sentenced to five (5) to ten

(10) year of imprisonment and a fine of USD 2,170 to 10,800

(4,000,000 to 20,000,000 Ariary).

ANTANANARI 00000141 017 OF 018

Any perpetrator who commits sexual tourism is sentenced to forced

labor for life if committed on a child below fifteen tears of age,

regardless of gender.

Pornography featuring children, regardless of representation and

means, or the detention of pornographic materials involving children

is subject to the sentences provided for by article 334 of the

Criminal Code."

"Art. 335.2: The father or mother or other ascendant, who encourages

directly or indirectly child prostitution by letting a child live a

liberal and independent life, thus enhancing sexual exploitation

and/or tourism on the child, in a national or international setting,

is sentenced to five (5) to ten (10) year of imprisonment and/or a

fine of USD 2,170 to 10,800 (4,000,000 to 20,000,000 Ariary).

The same sentences apply if the perpetrator is either the brother or

the sister of the underage victim or any individual holding a

similar position in the family, i.e. any individual usually or

occasionally living with the child and having authority over the


"Art. 335.3: Any sexual intercourse among close parents or siblings

up to 3rd degrees, in a direct or collateral line, whose marriage is

prohibited by the law; or any sexual abuse committed by the father,

the mother or any other ascendant or any individual having authority

over a child is considered incest.

Anyone who commits incest is sentenced to forced labor for life if

the act is committed on a child.

In other cases of incest, the perpetrator is sentenced to five (5)

to ten (10) year of imprisonment and a fine of USD 2,170 to 10,800

(4,000,000 to 20,000,000 Ariary).

"Art. 335.4: Anyone who has violated the rules set forth by the

provisions of adoption law in order to commit an illegal adoption, a

fact that constitutes trafficking in persons, shall be sentenced to

forced labor for life."

"Art. 335.5: Any attempt of trafficking in persons, sexual

exploitation in any form, sexual tourism and incest that has been

manifested by the beginning of a completion, even if it has not been

suspended or if it only missed its effects because of circumstances

independent from the perpetrator's willingness, is considered as an

action in itself and shall be subject to the same sentences."

"Art. 335.6: The child victim of violations related to trafficking

in persons, sexual exploitation, sexual tourism and incest can, at

any time, notify or apply to the public prosecution or any other

competent authority, on the facts committed to him/her and claim

damages for the prejudice suffered."

"Art. 335.7: Concerning violations related to trafficking in

persons, sexual exploitation, sexual tourism and incest committed on

a child, the prescription period of the legal proceedings starts

only after the date on which the child reaches eighteen years of


In case the perpetrator is detained prior to the trial, the deposit

of guaranty bond as provided by articles 346 and following of the

Criminal procedure code may not be used."

"Art. 335. 8: The sentences provided for the violations of

trafficking, sexual exploitation, sexual tourism and incest

committed on a child are pronounced immediately, regardless of the

means used to exploit or abuse the victim."

"Art. 335. 9.- The sentences pronounced for the crimes related to

the violations on trafficking in persons, sexual exploitation,

sexual tourism and incest committed on a child may not be


Article. 9.- After article 335 bis, three articles numbered 335 ter,

335 quarter and 335 quinto, are included and are worded as follows:

"Art. 335 ter: Nationals and individuals having residence in

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Madagascar and who are involved in trafficking in persons, sexual

exploitation and sexual tourism in other countries are persecuted

and sentenced according to the provisions of the Criminal Code."

"Art. 335 quarter: The requests for extradition for individuals

searched for a legal procedure in a foreign State are completed for

violations provided for in the present law or so as to help execute

a sentence related to such violation.

The procedures and principles provided by the extradition treaty in

effect between the requesting State and Madagascar are applied.

In the absence of extradition treaty or legislative provisions, the

extradition is completed according to the procedure and in

compliance with the principles determined by the typical extradition

treaty adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in its

resolution 45/116."



Article 10.- Regulatory texts will be drafted to implement the

present law.

Article 11.- The present Law shall be published in the Official

Journal of the Republic of Madagascar.

It shall be executed as a State law."