Deb's sickness

13 January 2009

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Joined: 13 Jan 2009
Online Status: Offline
Posts: 1 Quote Reply Topic: cold sweats
Posted: 14 Jan 2009 at 5:51pm
I sent this an hour or two ago and it did not post. Maybe it takes a couple of hours. I am sending my message again. I apologize if it comes up twice. DLMS

Hi, my name is Deb and I have CVID. I posted a couple of years ago and have read many of the posts. The support and information has been great. Six years ago I became ill in India for taking a sip (not a drink) of what I thought was a new bottle of water. Consequently, I obtained a bacterial infection called Shigella for which I was hospitalized with congestive heart failure, fluid around the lungs and a septic gallbladder. A couple of months later I was diagnosed with Reiter’s Syndrome a form of reactive arthritis. It is from this episode that doctors think my immune system was “knocked out”. In the past three years I have been in the hospital 16 times. Pneumonia’s, MRSA 3X, two sinus surgeries, a surgery to repair an aneurism and knee surgery for a torn meniscus. I have no measurable IgA, IgM, IgE and a non-functional IgG. Prior to my illness I worked at a job that was my passion; my husband and I parented 9 kids and up to 3 foster children; and I traveled around the world at least four times a year. Needless to say life has changed. Despite all of the challenges I have manage to keep it going…barely. I am desperate for answers on an issue I have. Approximately two years ago prior to the episodes of getting ill, I would have cold sweats. I would go from piles of blankets to stripping them all off. I am just getting over four straight days of this. I am at the point that I can’t take them anymore. No, these are not hot flashes. I went through menopause seven years ago and I did have hot flashes a couple of years. These are a thousand times worse. During the “sweat” time my hands and feet are freezing and my hair and the rest of my body is wet. If anyone has experienced this or knows a treatment for this I would be beyond grateful. DLMS
Debra Murphy-Scheumann