IAC 193 Results

7 October 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011

IAC 193 Results

The following referrals were issued in IAC Session 193 which was held on 09/09/11:

1) Greek dossier from March 2006 referred a female child aged 2 years and 5 months

2) Italian dossier from August 2009 referred a waiting child (#1581) with a profile on the MOJ site

3) Italian dossier from September 2009 referred a female child aged 7 years and 6 months

4) U.S. dossier from March 2010 referred a male child aged 2 years 7 months with
data onfamily history and with peculiarities in the health status

5) Italian dossier from November 2010 referred a waiting child (#1519) with a profile on the MOJ site

6) Italian dossier from January 2011 referred awaiting child (#1579) with a profile on the MOJ site

7) U.S. dossier from March 2011 referred a waiting child (#1431) with a profile on the MOJ site

8) U.S. dossier from August 2011 referred waiting children (#900 & #902) with profiles on the MOJ site

9) Italian dossier from August 2011 referred a waiting child (#1498) with a profile on the MOJ site

10) U.S. dossier from September 2011 referred waiting children (#28 & #14) with profiles on the MOJ site

11) Canadian dossier from September 2011 referred a waiting child (#1188) with a profile on the MOJ site

12) U.S. dossier from September 2011 referred a waiting child (#1478) with a profile on the MOJ site

Posted by Viviane at 4:08 AM