Angelique Hatch - Her passion led to her appointment to International Children’s Services board

16 October 2011

Published October 16, 2011, 10:16 AM
Her passion led to her appointment to International Children’s Services board
Angelique Hatch has been selected to join the board of directors for the Joint Council on International Children’s Services. Nothing could be more appropriate for the busy mother of four children, three of them adopted.
By: Margaret Ontl, Hudson Star-Observer

Angelique Hatch, center, is surrounded by her children. In the front from the left are Audrey, 8, and Liam, 4. In the second row are Emerson, 11, Hatch and Logan, 10. Emerson was born in India. Logan and Liam were born in Guatemala. Submitted photo
 Talk about it Angelique Hatch has been selected to join the board of directors for the Joint Council on International Children’s Services. Nothing could be more appropriate for the busy mother of four children, three of them adopted.

“I don’t sit still well,” said Hatch. “This seems like a natural fit.” Even though the Angelique and Dan Hatch did not know it at the time, the work of the Joint Council is what allowed them to be grandfathered in for their the adoption of Liam from Guatemala. “They believe every child should have the opportunity to have a safe environment.”

The seeds of the present Joint Council were sown in 1975. However, in 2006, a transition began. Joint Council would transform itself from a trade association that served its members into a coalition of leading social service organizations that serve children and families. Their mission changed, programs expanded and they increased their impact, while continuing their focus, expertise and passion for ethical inter-country adoption.

Today the organization has a membership of over 250 organizations, $760 million in collective services and reaches into 52 countries with a base of over 60,000 supporters. Joint Council is aggressively moving forward to serve more children, strengthen more families and protect the right of every child to have a permanent, safe and loving family.

“They are truly the voice for orphanages,” said Hatch of Joint Council. “It’s all about the children.” According to Hatch, in recent years more and more countries have been closing their borders to international adoptions leaving some children in limbo as their adoptive parents try to wade through the red tape and leaving others permanently in orphanages and group homes.

Hatch comes by her activism naturally, having watched her parents Tim and Judith Dove participate in fundraising for a number of organizations over the years.

On the heels of Hatch’s appointment to the board, the Joint Council launched a new funding campaign, Change for Children.

“If everyone does a little, big things can happen,” said Hatch. “It is such an easy, simple concept.” It is timed to go along with Halloween, but you can give your change at one of the following locations: The Hudson Star-Observer or Wanken Chiropractic.

Children may take ‘Change for Children’ baskets out on Halloween as well.

“It’s empowering for the little kids,” said Hatch. “My kids get really excited when they are helping someone.”

“In all reality everybody can feel good about this,” said Hatch. “It is such a great message and we need to be very aware of the world situation. I was excited there was something for me to do right off the bat.”

Hatch has been active in raising awareness and fundraising for over 15 years. In July, she hosted her own birthday party fundraiser at the Hudson Golf Club, raising $25,000 for Semillas de Amor, an organization in Guatemala for at-risk children.

Hatch as already lined up a number of neighborhood activities throughout Hudson as well. If you would like to donate or help out you may contact Hatch by e-mail or cell (612) 804-6518.