A far-away rescue

16 September 2011

A far-away rescue



Shangmo with her elder daughter Jael


In the suburbs of Coimbatore at Sulur, the first thing that one notices in
the impressively walled Michael Job Centre is the sheer enormity of the complex.

There is a school, a post graduate level college and an orphanage in the
sprawling premises housing some 500 girls that the organization claims are
abandoned or orphaned children of Christian martyrs. The last thing one would
expect to find there are young girls from the remote Nepali district of Humla.
But there they are, all 23 of them with Christian names living for the past nine
years here as orphans despite having parents back home.

They were rescued from the centre last week at the initiative of the Esther
Benjamins Memorial Foundation (EBMF), Nepal, ChildLine India and the Child
Welfare Committee (CWC) at the state of Tamil Nadu.

EBMF got into action when the families of four girls from Humla requested
them to find their missing daughters. The parents of the girls had sent them
along with their brothers in the care of Dal Bahadur Phadera, a local

Many families in Humla had paid Phadera Rs 5-20,000 to get their children out
of war-ravaged villages at the time and educate them in boarding schools in
Kathmandu. The boys are still in the institution run by Phadera, but the girls,
between 3 to 7 years old, were taken away nine years ago. Their families never
heard from them.

When rescued, many girls didn't remember their parents' names or where they
came from. They have been given Christian names and identities.

An emotional Anna Bella breaks down at seeing her
In the website of Michael Job Centre, the girls are falsely depicted
as children of Christian martyrs in Nepal murdered by Maoists. The Centre runs
on the donations given by Christians from all over the world for 'orphans'.


In one of the pages of the website was where we first saw pictures of Anna
Bella, Daniela, Persius and Jael (Christian names given by the centre, original
names withheld). Their mother and brother had made a three days journey from
Humla to join us in Kathmandu for the trip to Coimbatore in India's southern
tip. Persius and Jael's mother Shangmo Lama had never been in a car before.
After a long and tiring journey to Coimbatore, a frail Shangmo smiled for the
first time when we stepped inside the gate of the Centre to get back her
daughters. She had waited nine years for this moment.

first, the principal of the centre flatly denied having any Nepali children at
the centre. But she was forced to accept having illegally kept the girls as
orphans when the photos of the children and the mother were shown (pictured,


Outside, a very Nepali looking girl's face stopped me. After few exchanges in
English, I asked if she was Nepali. The girl's face brightened up. Lynsy then
gave me her Nepali name, informed there were now 23 of them left in the centre
and that they have not forgotten to speak Nepali. Soon the news spread of the
team from Nepal and Nepali girls surrounded the principal's office.

There was noisy chatter and a sense of jubilation in the office. Some of the
girls were seven years old and all had parents and families back home and hadn't
heard from them in all these years.

It was an emotional scene when Shangmo met her girls, who at first failed to
recognise their mother. But her brother's daughter Daniela instantly recognised
her aunt.

PP Job, the centre's founder has denied having known that the children had
families in Nepal. The self-styled Christian preacher has alleged that the
children were brought to him by Phadera and that the center has only provided
good education and living to these underprivileged children.



Michael Job Centre,
"It is illegal under the Indian law to
bring children, orphaned or not from Nepal to India, and house them in an
institution here. It is a clear case of trafficking," Nandita Rao, Childline's
lawyer told Nepali Times.


The Centre is now under investigation by the social welfare department in
Tamil Nadu and has been given 15 days to furnish details and prove that it was
not involved in child trafficking. On Monday, 500 activists from different Hindu
organisations staged a protest outside the orphanage accusing it of

"Poor countries are turning into a missionary haven for religious zealots and
this has led to a new form of trafficking," says Philip Holmes of Esther
Benjamins Memorial Foundation. The girls are now on their way home by train via

The girls had kept the memory of their home country alive for nearly a
decade, and were full of pride as they sang the Nepali national anthem for the
rescue party from Nepal. They had memorized the words from the mobile ring tone
of a Nepali visiting the center.

Said an ecstatic Sabita Bogati: "I want to go home. I would not mind walking
all the way to Nepal."

POST SCRIPT: EBMF is now preparing to file charges against Phadera for
trafficking. In India, child rights organisations have taken up the issue and
are now planning to bring PP Job and his accomplices to book. Efforts to
repatriate children trafficked from Tibet and Bhutan who were also kept in the
centre are now underway. But even if the children are reunited, their lost
years, separation from parents and loss of identity will never be returned.

Read also:
The missing half, KAPILDEV KHANAL in NUWAKOT

See also:
Circus slave, CLARE HARVEY
thought the circus was glamorous. How wrong I was."

Juggling with young lives, PRANAYA SJB
Nepali child slaves face a brighter future after
rescue from Indian circus abuse


Bravo Rubeena ! Heartwarming
stories of the girls' reunion with their families. I wish the rescued children
(and all other children too) are provided with a good education and overall
environment. The last thing one would like to know is the girls willing to
choose more dreadful paths for a search of a better life.

By the way,
pretty soon, we will see this in Nepal: Christians will have a legally protected
reservation (20% ?) in all government agencies including the cabinet, army and
parliament. In the name of inclusiveness and a democracy never seen elsewhere,
the aid agencies, western evangelists and local proxies will then make sure
proselytization goes on unobstructed and under the aegis of the state/public

If you have read Christian propaganda (globally- some are
online) on Nepal, this clearly seems to be the next step. To prepare ground for
this, a lot of noise about inclusion, ethnic issues, "marginalized communities,"
religions freedom, "correcting history's wrongs", proportionate representation,
reservation and so on is being made right now.

Here's to you- all the
useful idiots- Jesus loves you more than you will know.


It is a commendable and just action...
but what about the education of these girls now??? and what is the follow up of
the girls who have been rescued?? perhaps the ongoing education of these girls
needs to be ensured now that they are reunited with family. Hope the euphoria of
the rescue does not hamper the future of these girls... Anbu Illam Coimbatore,
(from sources) was also part of this campaign... why does it not find any
mention at all???? perhaps it was missed out per chance.. but it did have some
role to play??

The TRUTH will set you FREE...


It is a commendable and just action...
but what about the education of these girls now??? and what is the follow up of
the girls who have been rescued?? perhaps the ongoing education of these girls
needs to be ensured now that they are reunited with family. Hope the euphoria of
the rescue does not hamper the future of these girls... Anbu Illam Coimbatore,
(from sources) was also part of this campaign... why does it not find any
mention at all???? perhaps it was missed out per chance.. but it did have some
role to play??

The TRUTH will set you FREE...



5. Philip

I really hoped that this wouldn't
become some kind of a religious football to kick around. Dr Job's Center, from
what I saw of it last week during the rescue, was all about religious extremism
and that is unpleasant be it Christian, Muslim or Hindu. Dr Job's activities and
blatant trampling over child rights would be total anathema to those Christians
who ARE doing good social work in India in a low key way without any
proseltysing agenda. These include one wonderful Catholic priest who I know has
been personally involved in the repatriation of these children and who helped us
on circus rescue back in 2007. Hailing as I do from Northern Ireland originally
I would commend religious tolerance and respect for one another in this new

6. Philip

For ccc:

The truth that will set you free is that the only organisations involved in
this were Esther Benjamins Memorial Foundation, ChildLine India Foundation and
the local Child Welfare Committee all operating with the support of the Nepal
Foreign Ministry and the Nepal embassy in Delhi. Who else might have jumped on a
bandwagon after I left Coimbatore I cannot say.

Follow up is crucial and we pride ourselves in doing that well rather than
being "headline grabbers". We will take each case on its own merits but clearly
dropping a child who has been in English medium school in Tamil Nadu into a
Nepali medium school in Humla is not on the face of it a desirable option.
Although if that is what the child wants, then fine and we'll help with that. I
think it makes more sense to find a good English medium boarding school that is
accessible to families.

Dr Job can pay for the reintegration costs. He has been raking in money from
far and wide on the backs of these children and he needs to compensate them for
what he has put them through. We will pursue that compensation - and I have told
him so.

Best wishes.

7. Radha Krishna

Many Many thanks to Rubeena mahato,

we hope baburam government and humanright comission will take immediate
action. every year 5000 to 7000 women and girls disappered from nation through
porous boder and human traffickers net works saling them to GCC in addition to
India. what's the function of Womencomission and about 200 women CA in Assembly


8. Philip


Setting the record straight, yes indeed, Anbu Illam Don Bosco were indeed
involved in that they provided shelter for the girls after they were removed
from Dr Job's Center - and after we (including the journalist) left the scene.
They work closely with ChildLine.


How unfortunate, have travelled thru this
lovely area and would like to see those crazy western religious folk kept out of
the area. It is happily and successfully buddhist and hindu, and does not need
to have these western religious zealots tainting the area with there version of
religion. I hope those in Humla will discourage religious organisations from
coming there. The eyes of the world need to keep watch.



11. Tashi

This story of girls rescued from far
South India can be eye opening for the Nepalese people, but in reality thousands
end up in the Indian brothels every year, which is worse then the girls at the
missionary center. In the picture we can see the girls with clean school
uniform, which I think is good part, but the bad and saddening part is losing
their true identity behind.

At present in Nepal, there are many
Christian missionaries after the collapse of King Gyanendra's rule, these
missionaries are taking advantage of secular government of Nepal, their main aim
is to convert maximum of innocent Buddhist and Hindus in their religion, as
these missionaries are well trained in the art of converting people by different
means and tactics. The laborers, sales person, mechanics, carpet weavers and
even the travelers at the bus park are not spared, there are preachers in every
corner of valley, for the smarter people, they approach in smarter ways and for
the illiterate, they have different ways to brain wash them. These Christian
missionaries are well organized, they might open small school and small clinic,
which are all free and the true motive behind is to convert people into
Christianity, these free schools and clinics are not opened with sheer sense of
love and compassion for the poor. The more radical ones are the Baptist and
Protestant Christian missioners, Nepalese converted by these two groups shows
disrespect to their own ancestral religion, they even spread blasphemy in the
society against Buddhism and Hinduism, this in long run will create a big
trouble for Nepalese society, like that in Nigeria.

Converting people by
means of luring with help and aids and by brain washing them with illogical
belief is stupidity unlawful practice, such acts in reality saws the seed of
communal violence in
