WACAP sponsors Guild of Service

21 November 2011



For more than 25 years WACAP has worked on behalf of children in India.  WACAP is one of the select agencies accredited to perform adoptions under the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption and with our Family Finders Program, we are able to find families for children who are older, sibling groups, and children with special needs.

We also provide funds to support poor and abandoned children in Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), Bangalore and Chennai (formerly Madras). Whenever possible, we also help ensure that needy families have the resources they need to care for their children and not abandon them.

WACAP’s work in India includes:


WACAP supports the Society for Indian Children’s Welfare (SICW) in the rebuilding of the Jan Seva community center which promotes education and vocational training in one of Kolkata’s slum neighborhoods.  WACAP also works with Guild of Service and Ashraya Children’s Home to promote education in poor neighborhoods in Chennai and Bangalore.


Many children waiting to be adopted are older, have specific medical or developmental needs, or are siblings. Because of this, they have been left behind.  WACAP has made a promise to these special children - to do our best to find families for them. WACAP’s Promise Fund supports our ability to identify waiting children around the globe, create materials to promote their adoption, and provide grants to families when finances are a barrier to bringing them home. With your donation, you can help WACAP find families for these specially-identified children.


WACAP’s monthly giving program, Partner for Children, provides funding for WACAP’s work for the children left behind - children who are older, sibling, and/or have medical issues.  For as little as $25 per month, you can help to ensure that these children are not forgotten and that we have funding available for WACAP’s ongoing work for Indian children, as well as for new initiatives.

Visit the Partner for Children Monthly Giving page