Despite a moratorium on international adoptions, Bethany Romania moves forward with ministry.
10 February 2004
Despite a moratorium on international adoptions, Bethany Romania moves forward with ministry.
Posted: 10 February, 2004
Romania (MNN) ? The Romanian moratorium on international adoption continues to be in effect until the legislation on adoptions and child welfare is passed in the parliament and implemented.
According to Bethany Christian Services, while there is recent activity to move toward this resolution, it is still unclear of the timing or restrictions the new law may impose. Bethany's adoption program remains closed until specifics are known.
The agency continues other family services work in the country, in order to better manifest the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. They do this by protecting and enhancing the lives of children and families through quality social services.
Bethany has a staff of 80 professionals doing vital work in many areas of the country, i.e.: family preservation, life skills for youth leaving the institutions, social work education, volunteer services, and programs for children with special needs. New grants will allow Bethany to continue these vital services.
Bethany Romania received word that a Phare grant was approved. This grant would allow Bethany to replicate the Healing Hands project into three other communities in Timis county and will involve establishing and mplementing three Day Centers Programs for children with special needs.
The local Department for Child Protection of Timis county, and the Mayor Offices in Jimbolia and Lenauheim will be Bethany's partners in this project. Healing Hands, Inc will also be involved in this project. Healing Hands offers therapeutic intervention for children with sensory integration disorder and autistic tendencies.
Bethany and its partner CENTRAS Bucharest was approved for a project called "Resource Center" and will implement another grant in Iasi for a period of 9 months. A resource center will be established and it will support the development of institutional capacity of the local non-governmental institutions in Iasi county by initiating and developing a complex of complementary services.
According to Bethany Christian Services, while there is recent activity to move toward this resolution, it is still unclear of the timing or restrictions the new law may impose. Bethany's adoption program remains closed until specifics are known.
The agency continues other family services work in the country, in order to better manifest the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. They do this by protecting and enhancing the lives of children and families through quality social services.
Bethany has a staff of 80 professionals doing vital work in many areas of the country, i.e.: family preservation, life skills for youth leaving the institutions, social work education, volunteer services, and programs for children with special needs. New grants will allow Bethany to continue these vital services.
Bethany Romania received word that a Phare grant was approved. This grant would allow Bethany to replicate the Healing Hands project into three other communities in Timis county and will involve establishing and mplementing three Day Centers Programs for children with special needs.
The local Department for Child Protection of Timis county, and the Mayor Offices in Jimbolia and Lenauheim will be Bethany's partners in this project. Healing Hands, Inc will also be involved in this project. Healing Hands offers therapeutic intervention for children with sensory integration disorder and autistic tendencies.
Bethany and its partner CENTRAS Bucharest was approved for a project called "Resource Center" and will implement another grant in Iasi for a period of 9 months. A resource center will be established and it will support the development of institutional capacity of the local non-governmental institutions in Iasi county by initiating and developing a complex of complementary services.

About this Organization
Bethany Christian Services
Int'l Adoption Services
Phone: 616-224-7610 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 616-224-7610 end_of_the_skype_highlightingAlt. Phone: 800-652-7082 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 800-652-7082 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax: 616-224-7436
Web site
901 Eastern Avenue NE
Grand Rapids, MI
About Romania

- Primary Language: Romanian
- Primary Religion: Christianity
- Evangelical: 5.4%