Adoption agency newly licensed in Kansas

22 May 2012

Adoption agency newly licensed in Kansas

By Don Steele
Posted May 22, 2012 @ 06:00 AM

     Lifeline Children's Services recently announced that the agency has been licensed by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to provide adoption services in the state of Kansas.
     Lifeline has offices in Topeka.
     Lisa Kelly, Kansas State Director for Lifeline, said "This license allows us to provide full-service adoptions in Kansas, including home studies and post-placement services."
     The agency is also Hague-accredited, which enables the agency to work with international adoption agencies in other countries.
     The agency, which is based in Birmingham, Ala., was founded in 1981 by John Carr, a retired social worker. Carr worked with Wales Goebel, founder of Sav-a-Life, a crisis pregnancy ministry, to create an adoption agency that would provide young girls with a means to carry their child to term and, if they so decided, a way to place the child for adoption.
     Beginning in 2000, Lifeline began developing adoption arrangements with international agencies — first in China and later in the Ukraine and Guatamala. Today, Lifeline is involved in 12 countries and plaves hundreds of orphans from around the globe into loving Christian homes.
     Families seeking to adopt through Lifeline must meet certain qualification guidelines, including parenting ability, religion, health, age, financial stability, and housing. In addition, the agency considers the couple's pregnancy plans, their work situations, any prior history of felony convictions and their marriage status.
     Families agree to attend a one-day training program and also agree to correspond with the birth family through the agency. If the birth family desires, the agency will organize a meeting with the adoptive family.
     More information about Lifeline is available at their Web site:
"We are so excited to be able to help children and orphans in Kansas through this door God's opening," said Angela Beemer, administrative assistant.
     Persons seeking additional information about Lifeline Children's Services can visit their Web site or call the office at   (785) 783-4565 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            (785) 783-4565     end_of_the_skype_highlighting  .