6 July 2012

Department To Prosecute Paes On His Arrival

New Crusading Guide

World has nothing to give rather to take
the one you have
By: Prince Faith O., Kog

Baring any last minutes hitches,
Dutch National Arthur Paes, also Development Chief for Somey in the Volta
Region, and owner of the plush Africa Royal Hotel at Nungua, in Accra, who has
been accused left, right, and centre for allegedly defiling a minor since she
was eight years old would be charged and prosecuted anytime he steps foot on the
shores of the country.

Madam Gertrude G. Aikins, a Consultant to the Attorney
General for the Prosecution Division told this paper yesterday in a telephone
interview that, “When he (Paes) comes into the country
he would be charged and prosecuted. The police have not seen him since the A-G
advised that he should be prosecuted so he can be in the Netherlands and say
whatever he wants but this is where the case will be trialed so let him come
here and say those things”.

Information on his return to the country are however sketchy
as, whilst some say he would arrive in the country on Monday, others say he
would be in the country over the weekend.

The former Director of Public Prosecutions at the A-G's
Department revealed to this paper that sometime last year, the A-G gave a
directive that Arthur Paes should be prosecuted in the alleged paedophile case,
but just when they were about to carry out the directive a lawyer sent a
petition, together with an alleged self-confessed video, that the girl who was
allegedly defiled was not a minor.

On that basis, Madam Gertrude Aikins said she wrote a letter
dated March 8, 2012 that was addressed to the director of the Criminal
Investigations Department (CID) to as a matter of urgency, investigate the
authenticity and source of the alleged video tape.

She revealed that the State did not go ahead to prosecute
Peas because if the case had gone to Court then, the issue of the video would
have come up and the State might not have enough grounds to continue

However, when this paper caught up with Arthur Paes on
telephone yesterday for a reaction to the latest development, he said “No I do no believe that Aikins would say that. Let me contact
her and will get back to you”.

He also insisted that he was not under any investigation in
the country and that it was one family that was blackmailing him.

“I love Ghana so why would I do
such a thing; I have an investment in the country so I would not do anything
against the laws of the country”,
Paes told this paper.