'My foster parents treated me like a slave'

16 January 2009

'My foster parents treated me like a slave'


16 January 2009

Mayura Janwalkar

Mumbai: At just 27, Jennifer Haynes has experienced more than most people her age. In an exclusive interview with DNA, the thoroughbred American talks about being abruptly deported to her place of birth 20 years after she was adopted by an American couple.
A traumatic childhood
Born in Mumbai on July 29, 1981, Haynes was adopted as an eight-year-old by US nationals, Edward and Melissa Hancox, and flown to USA in November 1989.

However, her life was far from alright. She alleged that she was sexually abused as a child in her first foster home in Georgia. She then changed home 50 times, spending most of her life in Michigan. "I was abused there as well," she said.

"I did not complain to anyone because I was so young and I didn't even know what exactly sex was."

Haynes studied only till Class 10. "I kept moving from one foster home to another and nobody really cared about me. I was treated like a slave in many homes and not even sent to a public school until the government mandated my foster parents to do so."
Life after marriage
Haynes met her husband Justin through common friends and tied the knot on July 2, 2002, at the age of 21. "My husband is African-American and a year older than I am. He works with my father-in-law in his construction business," she said.

However, Justin was convicted for possession of drugs in 2002 and served a term in prison. Haynes too was convicted in a case of illegal possession of drugs in July 2004 and was under probation. When her case reached the boardof immigration, it was found that her citizenship formalities were left incomplete at the time of her adoption in 1989. The officials then decided to deport her to India.

"I didn't know I was being deported. I didn't even have my passport. I was just asked to pack my stuff and sent to India. I wasn't even allowed to speak to my family. I called them after I reached Mumbai and told them I was deported," she said.
Back to her birthplace
Haynes landed in India on July 2, 2008 -- her sixth wedding anniversary. "I landed in this country, away from my family and with no money. I had nowhere and nobody I could go to."

However, Haynes found a job as an English teacher and was staying at YWCA in Colaba. But after a month, she was shifted to a home for distressed women in Chembur
"I would have started a new life here had it not been for my children back in the US," said a visibly upset Haynes.

"I don't belong here. People treat you differently when you are not like them," she added.

Currently unemployed, Haynes now wants to get a job in a call centre. "I would then be able to have a place of my own. It is difficult for me to sustain myself because my family doesn't send me too much money. They cannot even afford to come down and see me."