A Wiltshire-based Christian charity is hoping a royal documentary will boost support for the work it does in Romania.

19 November 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008, 11:36

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A Wiltshire-based Christian charity is hoping a royal documentary will boost support for the work it does in Romania.

The country was recently the focus of an ITV programme with Sir Trevor McDonald, in which the Duchess of York visited a series of children's homes.

Sarah Ferguson and her daughters revealed the plight of orphans in Romania and Turkey and are now hoping to push for better human rights legislation.

Robin Hood Ministries, which until recently was based in Bradford on Avon but is now in Trowbridge, is currently working with The Way of Joy centre in Iasi, in the north of the country.

It hopes the publicity from the programme will encourage people to get more involved with its own projects in Romania and other countries.


The charity is trying to help people who cannot access proper housing, medical facilities and education, the same as those featured in the programme.

To give British people the chance to understand the way some Romanians live, the charity is offering trips to the country.

One of the organisers, Val Huxley, pictured, said: "I challenge anyone to come on one of our Awareness Trips. It's here that you will experience the true meaning of poverty.

"Visiting families living in concrete blocks with no heating, lighting, sanitation or running water is a grounding experience."

The charity also runs a child sponsorship scheme, where for just ?20 a month a child can receive basic medication, food, clothing and education.

To celebrate the charity's fifth birthday, a dinner will be held at the Homewood Park Hotel at Hinton Charterhouse next Thursday. Tickets cost ?30 and the charity is also appealing for firms to donate prizes for a secret gift auction on the night.

For more information about Robin Hood Ministries, contact 01225 712048 or visit www.robinhoodministries. org.