Looking Back Ten Years-What has Changed in International AdoptionLand?

12 December 2011

Looking Back Ten Years-What has Changed in International AdoptionLand?

By on 12-21-2011 in Adoption Preparation, PNPIC, PostAdoption Resources

For fifteen years (1993-2008), there was a very helpful organization formed by adoptive parents called Parent Network            for the Post Institutionalized Child (PNPIC). Almost ten years ago, they published the following piece. We ask: What has changed for the better?


In July 1991, Thais Tepper and Lois Hannon both  adopted children from Romania through Cradle of Hope. Ironically, we  were both in Romania at the exact same time, but we did not connect  until 1993 when a mutual friend put us in touch with each other. We had  had no help from our agency once the checks cleared, and we did not know  then that the behaviors we were seeing in our children were actually  well documented. Our first conversation lasted a good while – and we  realized that our children had very similar problems, but we had no idea  what to do, where to go, the types of  doctors or therapists we needed to find or even what to call the  problems. Remember, that was way back in 1993, the internet was not the  norm, and talking about “problems” of adopted children was not what  other adoptive parents wanted us to do (unless, of course, you happened  to have a child with problems). We were often highly criticized for our  efforts to help those kids who weren’t “perfect”. Our only goal was, and  still is, to help the children who have been adopted.

We  began to do some research, and we talked to everyone and anyone who  would listen. We ended up accumulated vast amounts of information, and  word quickly spread. We were spending vast amounts of time talking to  families, photocopying and mailing huge packages of information to  everyone who wanted it. About that time, we were briefly joined by two  other mothers, and decided that the best way to gather and disseminate  information was to form an actual network – thus the  beginning (tho with a different name at first) of The Parent Network  For The Post-Institutionalized Child (PNPIC).
We were very  fortunate to meet some wonderful parents, doctors and therapists who  worked closely with us to understand the problems of the deprivation,  neglect and abuse of the internationally adopted child, and to give what  we learned to families unprepared, as we were, and desperate for help  with their children.
We are really proud of all we have done.  We published a newsletter for 6 years; we published a book; we have  connected many of the medical doctors who now specialize in this field;  we have been involved (on-screen and off-screen) in many television and  radio shows as well as newspaper and magazine articles; and we have  developed and presented over 25 conferences throughout the country and  overseas. We have talked with thousands of families, and now that email  is the norm, have connected with countless families  via our website and email.
We have done all this out of the  kindness of our hearts, and concern for the children. We have never  received any payment for what we do. Of course, we encounter some  expense in keeping the network alive, and those expenses are covered by  the sale of our newsletters and book, and by donations.
As  we are part of the sandwich generation, we have had to deal not only  with our children, but with our aging parents as well. The needs of our  families had to come first. With the advent of the vast information on  the internet, we decided to suspend publishing the newsletter although  we remain active with the issues of internationally adopted children,  our website, emails and phone calls. We have worked with other groups  just now beginning to deal with the issues of this population. We are in  the development stage of some conferences, and have also begun to work  on our next book.
The phone  calls and emails we have received over the last year or two are rather  disturbing. We find that families who have recently adopted continue to  be ill prepared for international adoption; we find that families who  contacted us back in our infancy, who thought they had children without  problems, are now asking us about disruption and residential facilities,  and there are families who call to tell us how wonderful everything is,  but…(and its usually a BIG but). Adoptive families often don’t realize  that many problems will not be recognized until the children are older,  and are shocked when the kids “hit the wall”.
We recognize  that many adoptive and preadoptive parents seem to come down with an  illness called “denial”. Too bad. The kids suffer.
THE FUTURE:  While we wish there would not be a continued need for what we do,  history has shown that there will be. We will continue to try to find  new avenues to explore, to promote long term  studies and to find help anywhere we can. As our children get older, we  know we will be facing a new set of problems, just as other parents  are. We will do what we can to put what we learn into the public forum  so others won’t have to struggle as we have had to.
we  are saddened to say that little has changed. The adoption industry  thrives, and many in it are making huge sums of money on this product we  call internationally adopted children. The children and adoptive  families suffer, because they are often not fully informed about the  potential problems that are inherent with this population (or they  refuse to believe it could happen to them); families are not prepared to  deal with the behavior, medical and emotional problems that their  children exhibit, and they are not prepared – emotionally and  financially – for children with lifelong problems.
We are  still waiting for the adoption industry to take some  responsibility. They are quick to tout the positives of adoption, but  few really openly disclose the potential problems prior to adoption or  offer support, help and resources after the adoption. We can’t  understand why this huge group, with tremendous resources, can’t pull  together some programs to help struggling families. Respite alone would  probably eliminate many disruptions and divorces. We are two moms just  trying to help the kids – and look what we’ve accomplished! Imagine if  there were honesty and accountability from the adoption industry – it  would benefit everyone, especially the children.
We would like  to acknowledge the tremendous support from the many doctors and  therapists who have been available for us over the years. We are  sincerely appreciative and grateful for their generosity in donating  their time and talents to write articles, speak at conferences and talk  to families at no cost. We hope that their interest in our  population will provide some solid research and resources for the  future.”