10 Reasons To Adopt From Bulgaria

22 October 2012

10 Reasons To Adopt From Bulgaria


Michele L. Jackson, J.D.

During my time in the Bulgarian orphanages and working in Bulgaria, I was able to observe many benefits in the Bulgarian adoption process. While Bulgaria has not seen the popularity of international adoption like Russian adoptions and Ukrainian adoptions, I find that it has numerous benefits that are often overlooked.

Top 10 benefits to adopting from Bulgaria:

1. Bulgaria is a Hague Convention country and thus the country has invested in the international adoption process and proven their commitment to international adoption.

2. Bulgaria's commitment to international adoption and implementation of Hague provides additional securities in the international adoption process that may not be present in other non-Hague countries.

3. Bulgaria's orphanages and orphanage staff were some of the best I have observed in all of Eastern Europe.

4. Baby orphanages in Bulgaria are staffed with numerous medical personnel.

5. The Bulgarian process is more easily tracked and potentially predictable than many other international adoption programs.

6. Upon receipt of your referral you are traveling quite soon and therefore, there is not a long wait until you personally meet your referred child.

7. Loss of referral once confirmed by Bulgaria, is extremely rare.

8. Many children with minor and major special needs are also available in Bulgaria and your process is expedited for special needs children.

9. MLJ Adoptions Bulgarian Hague adoption service provider VESTA is experienced and very knowledgeable.

10. Bulgarian children are diverse and beautiful.

I would encourage you to consider Bulgaria as an option for your international adoption and to join us at our Bulgarian Open House on November, 10th!

This is an MLJ Adoptions photo.

For more information about adopting from Bulgaria, please click here.

Read more: http://mljadoptions.com/Media.aspx?articleID=618#ixzz2A9J2sS5d

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