judi kloper on fee´s

5 November 2005

Message: 124 From: JudiKO@... Received: Mi Nov 05, 2003 4:54

Subject: Re: meeting with dinner the Ashok

Teri and all,

I only worked with TLCH in Hydearbad and Sister always said, pay what you feel you can. My families paid 3500 or 3000, I had some who paid 4000 and 4500.

It actually was difficult at one point because there was some communication problems...I was thinking Sister was saying they had to pay 8000 which she wasn't meaning at all (but knowing Sister, she could have been saying.)

Anyway, my programs in other parts of India receive more money than TLCH did.

Deb, my question is this. What happens if a family doesn't want to pay the donation part, yet te orphanage is expecting that from you. So does teh agency chip in what teh parent isn[t paying?
