Peer research: SOS Children’s Villages awarded EU funds

9 March 2011

Peer research: SOS Children’s Villages awarded EU funds

09/03/2011 - The European Union granted SOS Children’s Villages International €400.000 for a research project, in which young people with care experience will themselves become researchers on the subject of leaving care. The project will involve over 450 young people from Finland, Albania, Poland and the Czech Republic over the span of 2 years.


Project Manager Raluca Verweijen-Slamnescu (centre) with two participants - Photo: SOS Archives
Project Manager Raluca Verweijen-Slamnescu (centreith two participants - Photo: SOS Archives
The grant from the European Union, together with an additional €150.000 provided by SOS Children’s Villages International, will fund an innovative research project, unique in the countries involved. For years, young people in care have been the “objects” of research.  This peer research project involves the young people as actors of change, instead of as passive beneficiaries. 


Young people with care experience will be trained to become researchers and they will in turn interview other young people.  The interviews will cover the transition out of care and what processes seemed work best.  For both groups of young people –interviewer and interviewee- this will be a sustainable learning process through which they will have a chance to both improve the care environment, as well as developing their own abilities.

Research for advocacy 
Research and advocacy feed each other.  The peer research project is part of the I Matter Campaign and will not only produce sound recommendation for improving preparation for the transition to independent living, but also provide a solid basis for national and international advocacy.  It will give young people a voice both as researchers and as interview partners, and, ideally, will ultimately lead to an improvement in policy and practice and a better preparation for young people leaving care.

Contact Details
For more information on the peer research project, contact the Project Manager, Raluca Verweijen-Slamnescu at: