Plight of Missing Children - Seeking Justice (India: Sakaal Times)

17 February 2013

Plight of Missing Children

Seeking Justice

City based NGO will bring to notice tragic tales about the lives of a large number of missing children at an international conference on adoption from February 19

CSt. Correspondent

Pune: City-bases NGO Sakhee along with Against Child Trafficking (ACT), Brussels and HAQ-Centre for Child Rights, Delhi will bring to notice tragic tales about the lives of a large number of missing children at an international conference on adoption from February 19 at Delhi.

Indian Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) is organizing the two-day conference on child adoption to promote mutual cooperation and discuss issues and challenges on intercountry adoption.

Over 400 participants, including many government officials from other countries, will be present.

Speaking to Sakal Times, Anjali Pawar of NGO Sakhee, said “There are many families whose children are reported missing for many years. Some of them have been reunited but no justice was done at all. Even though they saw their children once, they have not had sufficient contact. Some of them are still fighting in court and they have not heard back from their children’s adoptive families at all. Many of them want their children back. Those children were stolen, kidnapped and sold for intercountry adoption.”

She added: ”We have requested CARA to allow us to participate in the conference but we’re yet to get a reply from them. We want to go to Delhi to bring to the notice of the foreign governments about tragic life stories. How can foreign government be sure that children who enter their country for adoption were not stolen?”