Italian vice foreign minister on EU-Central Asia water conference in Kyrgyzstan

18 February 2013

18/02/2013 - Italian vice foreign minister on EU-Central Asia water conference in Kyrgyzstan

Category: Politics, Analyses & Opinions

Published on Monday, 18 February 2013

Written by Giorgio Fiacconi, TCA publisher

BISHKEK, February 18 (TCA) — During the 4th EU-Central Asia High Level Conference on Environment and Water organized in Bishkek last week by the European Union within the framework of the Platform for Environment and Water Cooperation of the EU-Central Asia Strategy, The Times of Central Asia had the opportunity to speak with Marta Dassu, vice minister of foreign affairs of Italy and co-chair of the conference together with Patricia Flor, EU special representative for Central Asia.

Marta Dassu was Director General for International Activities of Aspen Institute Italia before being appointed as Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs. She has a long experience and knowledge of international affairs and is on the board of several organizations such as the IAI (Institute for International Affairs), Institute for Diplomatic Studies, Institute for Strategic Studies (ISS) in London, and several others.

This was Vice Minister Marta Dassu’s first visit to Kyrgyzstan with the aim to open the environment and water conference where she called the attention of the participants to climate change, water, and sustainable development. Here is an excerpt from her conversation with TCA.

TCA: What is the role of Italy and Europe in the environment and water cooperation in Central Asia?

Marta Dassu: Italy is a strong supporter of the program of the European Union within the framework of the EU Strategy for Central Asia, and Italy is the coordinator in the framework of the platform for environment and water cooperation. In such role Italy and the EU intend to act as facilitators for the development of a dialogue between various Central Asian countries.

TCA: The platform for cooperation on environment and water issues was created in 2009. What has been achieved?

Marta Dassu: This is an ongoing long-term development that involves climate change, water, environment, and governance, and although everything is part of the European Union Water Initiative, the fact is that the results cannot be measured in a straightforward way. Today the working groups are meeting regularly to establish a methodology for monitoring different environmental problems and highlight the causes of conflict. The next high level conference on water and environment will take place during the Milan world exhibition in 2015, and for sure it will have a follow-up at the world expo to be held in Astana in 2017.

TCA: Water is certainly one of the main sources of conflict in Central Asia, the region where Russia and China are the driving forces. Do these countries have a role in the EU Water Strategy?

Marta Dassu: Europe realizes that Russia and China have a vested interest in Central Asia, but Europe has its own strategy to avoid conflict with the aim to develop and facilitate a dialogue between different parties in order to guarantee stability and economic development. China and Russia may have different objectives, but the strategy presently promoted by Europe does not foresee the participation of other world powers.

TCA: The Italian Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Alberto Pieri recently uncovered a scandal related to international adoption. Under a fraudulent scheme several children were assigned for adoption to Italian couples to find out later that the entire process was illegal. Now the adoption process has been temporarily suspended. Will this deter Italian couples from adopting Kyrgyz children?

Marta Dassu: Italian couples are always interested to legally adopt Kyrgyz children as long as the process is done in a completely transparent way and with respect of Kyrgyz and international laws. We understand that a new procedure is being established by the Kyrgyz Government and when such procedure will be in place, Italy will consider the reopening of the adoption process.

TCA: You had a meeting with former Kyrgyz President Roza Otunbayeva. What was the outcome?

Marta Dassu: As a woman I was interested in meeting such an outstanding person, but my objective was to invite Roza Otunbayeva to be a member of a scientific committee of a new foundation for the protection of women that the Italian State is planning to form.
