A Bittersweet Announcement - retirement

30 November 2012

A Bittersweet Announcement

By IAN | November 30th, 2012


At the end of October, 2012 IAN’s long time in-country director, Abebe Bayou Senbeta officially retired from his position at IAN.

Abebe has been with IAN since the opening of the Ethiopia program in 2007, and was instrumental in building the Ethiopia adoption program. Abebe’s first priority has always been to care for the orphans and vulnerable children of Ethiopia. Under his direction IAN found homes for hundreds of children in need and extended humanitarian care into some of the neediest and most remote areas of Ethiopia. Most importantly, Abebe always showed great love and care for the children entrusted to IAN under his authority.

Abebe has been working toward his retirement for more than a year, training and equipping Yared Gabreselassie and the rest of the in-country staff to step into his place and continue the work he is passionate about. While Abebe will be deeply missed by all of us at IAN, we celebrate with him as he enjoys his retirement. Abebe has graciously agreed to remain available to IAN if the need arises.

We express our deepest gratitude to Abebe for all he has done. Please feel free to leave your own thoughts for Abebe in the comments here!