Romania: the testimony of Azota Popescu

7 September 2011

Romania: the testimony of Azota Popescu



ph. Roma children, Craiova-Romania (flickr cc)

We fished out a year later, a letter / testimony, dated September 2010, Azota Popescu Representative of the Convent for international adoptions in Romania. We wonder how successful ever had. We hope that as soon as the situation of adoptions in Romania can be resolved favorably.

Good morning, dear Angels protectors!

Thank you for your confidence in me, in Catharsis! Thank you for your help!! With 3200euro, received by you, plus $ 1,000 received from the United States and more than my pension of 400 euro per month, we traveled the world ... everywhere, to inform people, to change mentality, to help Romanian children condemned to a life without love, without light, without future ...... At last we have reached the end of the campaign-maratons collecting 100,000 signatures for the relieving of international adoptions in Romania. A real "adventure". Please excuse me, for my silence. I was busy, I had an experience unimaginable, to know the oppinion of the street people, the credibility of myself and Catharsis, the help of the community (doctors, teachers, maternal, couples who have adotatto and even those who expect to adopted, the students of the various faculties, tourists, journalists. would like to thank you for the moral and financial support, I would like to thank the Lord for giving enlightenment to the physical and moral strength to go on, for three months, almost unbearable every day .... listening to the same comments teribilli on organ trafficking, the sale of children for prostitution .... but also fine words of encouragement to continue to collect signatures online, and more, on the road .... At mid-August, having collected more than 70,000 signatures, I was almost desperate.

The Lord has enlightened me, to go to Bucharest, to try to meet with the president of the commission for the Rights of Man, the Chamber of Deputies of the Romanian Parliament, August 17. He 'was impressed Project - Petition of Catharsis - and encouraged me a lot: "Congratulations, ma'am, for everything you are doing for Romanian orphans! Just, do not collect more signatures, I will take your project and prepare the 'legislative initiative for the reopening of international adoptions in Romania. "

See you on 01 settebre the Chamber of Deputies, with all signatures, the project, the petition, everything, all the reasons to promote your initiative. Yesterday, 01 settebre, a delegation Catharsis-9 persons (2 boys, 30 and 22 years, in difficulty setting after on the output from the orphanage, two maternal assistants, me, a lawyer and social worker from Catharsis, a volunteer and Mirabella girl of 24 years, adotatta in Italy, 10 years ago today, overjoyed to have, along with his sister 15 years, their family, two Italian doctors we spoke more than three and a half hours, we have all reasons with evidence (photographs), we left all the signatures (85,000) and we must return, in two or three weeks, to present in front of the 10 MPs Comisione for members of the Rights of Man, other tests on adoptions of older children in the EU (...). I hope that Divine grace, help me to win this battle teribille!

Hello, everyone, and a hug affectionately, Azota

News 02.settembre 2010, from "Association of the Convent"
