'He kept sending me teddy bears': How this unlikely lothario ran up a list of conquests

6 December 2010

'He kept sending me teddy bears': How this unlikely lothario ran up a list of conquests


UPDATED: 00:18 GMT, 6 December 2010

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'Not God's gift to women': Mike Hancock near his home yesterday

Mike Hancock’s reputation as a womaniser was established by liaisons with his constituency secretary, a councillor, and even a reported affair with a young girl he met during a trip to highlight the plight of Romanian orphans.

Then there were the allegations that he tried to force himself on a vulnerable female constituent and sent her saucy text messages.

Mr Hancock, an engineer, married Jacqui Elliott in 1967. He was elected to Parliament at a by-election in 1984 and, although a somewhat unlikely lothario, cut a swathe through the women in Hampshire.

When his six-year affair with his constituency secretary Daphne Sparshatt was revealed in the 1980s, she said: ‘He’s no great looker, he’s not God’s gift to women, but he charms his way into you.’

The alleged liaison with the young Romanian happened in 1991, in a village near Bucharest.

A helper on the same visit said: ‘We knew that he had a relationship with her. Mr Hancock sent the girl, called Daniella, a parcel of gifts in Romania and visited her several times. She was young and vulnerable but that didn’t stop him’.

The MP embarked on a relationship with blonde councillor Liz McCann, then 28, in the mid-1990s. She explained his appeal as: ‘He’s very charming and keeps sending you teddy bears. He tells you exactly what you want to hear.’

She claimed that Mr Hancock kept a scrapbook full of photographs of all his sexual conquests and would brag about them to each new lover.

Finally there was the 36-year-old constituent whom he allegedly tried to seduce after she asked him for help with noisy neighbours and complaints about her healthcare.


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Hampshire Police questioned the MP in September after he took the woman to dinner in the House of Commons. He is said to have bought her perfume, clothes, wine and a teddy bear.

He is also accused of sending the woman – who suffers from ‘failing mental health’ – intimate text messages calling her ‘special and sexy’ and ‘my princess’. Detectives are still investigating the case.

Despite his sexual misdemeanours, Mr Hancock’s wife Jacqui has always dismissed his female accusers as ‘nutters’ and resolutely stood by her man.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1335976/He-kept-sending-teddy-bears-How-unlikely-lothario-ran-list-conquests.html#ixzz2V4e4ujmQ

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