Councillor Mike Hancock , MP and Paedophile…

1 March 2013

Councillor Mike Hancock , MP and Paedophile…

‘Hancock has been chairman of the Southern Region of the NSPCC since 1989.

Because of Hancock’s sexual involvement with a 14 year old schoolgirl, his

Association with the NSPCC should trouble every decent citizen in the UK.

Hancock’s trips to Romania are also very suspicious. We have interviewed those who travelled with him and they told us of his activities in Romania. In Romania, Hancock gave a young girl named, Daniella extra supplies that were donated by the citizens of Portsmouth for sexual favours. Hancock goes to Romania as an Ambassador for Portsmouth and basically gives out goods in exchange for sex.

Hancock is a very unsavoury and despicable character and it’s now time for him to go.

Some posters are in circulation and still Hancock – PAEDOPHILE has done nothing, it’s been over three weeks since we called him a


As these news reports say, Hancock has been CHEATING on his wife for years and has been CHEATING on the voting public in Portsmouth for even longer. The

question has to be asked, where is Jacqui Hancock’s self respect? Time for the Hancock dynasty to go!

Les Cummings is a victim of child rape while in the care of Portsmouth City Council. Les Cummings discovered Hancock is a paedophile and named Hancock as a paedophile on a website.

The main question to ask is this, why hasn’t Hancock taken legal action Les Cummings? The answer is simply because Hancock knows it’s true.

We know the victim’s name and address and if and when Hancock takes Cummings to court, she will be named. It’s time for the people of Portsmouth to be told the truth about Hancock, CBE, MP, and City Councillor. He is a paedophile who got a 14 year old schoolgirl pregnant, and then made her have an abortion.

When this gets to court, all the witnesses will be attending to tell the truth about the paedophile Hancock. Ask yourself this question: If you were called a paedophile, why wouldn’t you take your accuser to court?

Hancock’s colleague and former Portsmouth City Council leader, Phil Shaddock, was thrown out of the City Council, but now stands in for Hancock at his advice centre.””””

How many of our councils are involved in these conspiracies?

Mohammad Karim Ahmadzai,

For Earth Projects and RICE