Moldova, with the introduction of the new law are taken international adoptions. Back in Italy, the first pair
4 June 2013

Date: 13/06/04

Moldova, with the introduction of the new law are taken international adoptions. Back in Italy, the first pair

After three years of closure of International Adoptions in Moldova , today is the first pair returned to Italy with their 7 year old daughter: so began a new period for adoptions in Moldova regulated by the introduction of the new law.

In the last 3 years, in fact, in Moldova there had been an arrest of international adoptions waiting for the bill were passed. Now it seems he has finally resumed activities with foreign couples and that there are important changes that would make even the fastest adoption procedures.

The first new feature introduced with the new adoption law , which came into force on 19 April 2013, concerning the establishment of the Central (Advisory Council for Adoptions) which will have the task of examining the records of foreign couples and to propose related pairings.

So another country that adapts to the principle of matching centralized , ensuring transparency and legality. Second is introduced an 'important differentiation between the adoptable children so-called "special needs" (children older than 7 years, pairs of brothers of which at least 1 must be 7 years of age and children with a degree of disability or who have a risk of further development of hereditary diseases and / or a history of hereditary / genetic aggravated) and children "not special needs."

The two "categories" of minor procedural follow different procedures for their combination with a foreign couple: children "not special needs" will no longer have to wait 2 years to be taken at the international level, as the waiting period has been reduced to one year.

The special needs, however, may be adopted at the expiration of 6 months from the time of defining the legal status of the adoptable child. It 'will be a special procedure for the combination of special needs, which will follow a lane "priority." The law says that the brothers can not be separated. However, in special and exceptional cases, which will be evaluated by an Advisory Council for Adoptions, the separation will be possible.

There are, finally, the changes to the business of Authorized Bodies (among which the 'other had to be re-credited in relation to the requirements of the new rules).

It 'was in fact introduced the principle of "quota".

Each entity can register a maximum of 2 files at the 'Central Authority (availability of couples with children "not special needs"), which can be replaced just concluded the two previous adoptions.

While the dossier of pairs available to the adoption of "special needs" will not be subject to any quota.
