Disclosure of a former member of MISA about satanic cult "guru" (and relation Macovei/MISA0

3 March 2013

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Disclosure of a former member of MISA about satanic cult "guru" GREGORIAN BIVOLARU: bondage, orgies with minors, sex free, family breakdown, insanity and cancer / ABUSIVE PAYMENT REQUIRED Macovei monsters "yogi" and punishing magistrates who worked on the case MISA

Published on March 3, 2013 | Categories: Heresies, sects, wanderings, follies, cheating, scandals ... , NEWS (Headlines) , war against family , Traitors sellers | | Print This Post

National Journal: revelations of a former MISA: "If you cut your hair wrong zero. Many yogis are crazy or have got cancer ' (VIDEO)

A member of MISA, Cornel Costea said case before the Court today Cluj, empowered to adjudicate the trafficking process, involving Gregorian Grieg with lieutenants of MISA that has claims in the amount of 666.666 euros for the period who was conscripted in ashrams in Bucharest. He said that no money had arrived slaves who worked in various locations in the city, for the welfare of MISA heads . This spiritual integration instead.

"We could take all of our strength and energy. They said the more you give, the more you take from me. I worked until I could not. When no further shared the fruits of labor. I worked very hard on a villa in District 1. When he was ready villa, rules should be sold fruits to be shared. Villa remained in the ownership of Mahara " began the witness to tell.

Sent to Japan

" The girls willingly go to Japan and sent money home. goes two times a year. Those who were minors do not think let them go abroad. Minors was using it. They were forced to play in movies, but they wanted, thronged. There were many who were longing to make love to Grig. On February Obor was room for girls expecting the Grig to make love. they had some advantages, without having to work two weeks received very good food and many of these exotic foods. expected to take place. So pay. Make love. Whenever the mood, but that's not really in the mood, " he continues.

Yogis were going wild and cancer

"Many yogis have gone crazy or have got cancer. Ironically, because he had some theories against cancer, he cure any type of cancer. destruction of the family was a collateral consequence. It was inevitable. was this theory to be open in relationships. Do not mind if you had relationships with another girl. broke up many families. Highly many yoga instructors gave this example. these open relationships. were two types of sketches the girls were playing. Shahta contests as to elect the smartest, coolest, with evidence more visible and less visible, only his eyes Grig, Nasty components. Appeared in pornographic films translated into collages. Girls who have seen it were angry, some were protesting " , claims Costel Cornea.

Grig did everything on his own

According to him, " have very ingenious methods continue to attract followers. Curiosity sexuality . The first year progress is positive. Then instructors appear harmful interventions. breathing lessons were well taught, can I go to crazy. Many fools. Grig had no expert, did everything on his own. Adopting an air doctor, he knows everything. Not much adored. He was adored 10 years ago. Where was I, my friends are having sex, but not money. was me who ruined everything. A yoga instructor came to me, boys and girls. initiation to see a movie. What do you think? The girls said it was great. I said it was a pornographic movie . They were disappointed. Then they went somewhere else " , says Cornea.

Head shaving punishment and public nudity

"If you gave something wrong out of the ashram, zero cut your hair, I gave extra penalties, and the girls cut their zero. I had to run around the block naked night. stole my few years of life. He promised spritual development. I had to repeat the year in July, because we got to school. Doing productive work and not enough time. I asked to integrate the ashram Obor. I sent the site. Once I was dry mouth. I went to get a drink of water. It was a large platter with some cherries, tomatoes. I do not know what's wrong with me. I was not thinking. I ate one. Miss Georgiana said: Hey, how are you? What excuses? I bring icing. Marius told me that evening. You posted on Faur. What's on Faur? Without doors, black on the inside, were the Gypsies there and put the fire doors. The floor was dirt. I shoveled out. We stayed from April 2000 to January 2004. Not only that we keep by force, but threatened us that we give out. Some of us are accustomed there. Cut contact with parents, relatives, with the outside. Since 2004 when I gave out only in 2009 I obtained a contract of employment with the book, of course. I did not know what to do in civilian life, real life , "recalls Cornea.

Young drawn to orgies

" When I realized that for a year will get rid of me. I realized this and I sent a note Grig. I want to go to town. My friend wanted to move to an ashram in Ferentari. Ready, go, do not we. We have gradually pushed the margin. spiritual evolution is a kind of bait for those 30-40 years. That drew me. In the 19-20 girls free sex attracts many. For most of tantra yoga techniques. were in MISA fellow intellectual formation, and students. But heads were primarily drivers, carpenters and secondly electricians. And thirdly the earliest , "the witness said.

Bivolaru will be heard at a distance

Tiberius B?rb?cioru, Bivolaru's lawyer, told us that he has doubts about the statements of the parties aggrieved by this judgment. He pointed out that only two people have made ??statements against his client as a civil party wished to be reinstated where he went. "They made ??statements on which we have serious doubts. We will try our witnesses to show that the allegations are unfounded. Injured parties accuse were subjected to work that were not remunerated, but not verified, because all the work was done voluntarily and order compensation was immaterial, accommodation. Even one of the civil parties said that he regretted leaving there. People were well treated there. "

Devil figure in the amount claimed

Establishment of civil party made ??at least the hilarious. was asked 666.666 euro figure. I asked which is the foundation of this setting up or. They explained that it is an esoteric number, evil, the only criterion considered. It wakes us up big question marks on the seriousness of the civil party. Everyone knows evil connotation that number. Will require Bivolaru's hearing by rogatory commission in the file of the High Court. He is aware of the progress of the case and following with interest developments. "

World Justice ( 2010 ): Attorney George Balan reveals how former minister Macovei pressured prosecutors demanded payment for MISA and Grieg

Former Attorney General's Office Court of Appeals, George Balan (photo) now prosecutor in the same unit of floor, Revealed for the first time for Lumeajustitiei.ro how to ministresa former Justice Monica Macovei imixtionat looking him squarely in the folder sect leader MISA Bivolaru. 's the first time a judge who worked organized crime cases Members of the Movement for Spiritual Integration in Absolute (MISA) talks about what happened in 2005, when investigations were in full swing.

- Flooring PCAB was generated super-publicized investigation of MISA sect, which resulted in several indictments, the facts of crime and sexual corruption. Investigation that culminated in running guru Bivolaru in Sweden. Months on end, MISA followers protested under your windows. Why not completed investigations with convictions?

- I worked on these files together with a group of prosecutors and judicial police officers. I can say that all colleagues who have worked in this case did their job and it was an honor for me to be able to work with them. The case presented a very complex and conduct investigation revealed that in addition to specific procedural aspects of such a file, and have appeared and issues that have kept the pressure on magistrates forms. I mean noisy demonstrations, numerous controls by CSM Inspection and Prosecutor High Court, to many complaints, complaints cascade flowing from people against prosecutors and officers investigated the case, and Mr. Justice Minister eclaratii public ever since.

- You mean Macovei, who ordered inspections CSM in that time? Madedirectly or through intermediaries pressure on your team of investigators?

- Former Minister Macovei had several public interventions that sought on the one hand research, investigation and sanctioning magistrates who worked on this case, and the defendant paid Bivolaru - statements made ??on Antena 3 in on 4.01. 2005. This was included and the conclusions of the inspection CSM and my statements have full coverage.

- For your information operative at that time, there were indications that Macovei has close connections with the sect MISA? But other judges? And in what form?

- Are already public information on support groups that the snow-CH, and on the other judges is notoriously the case Judge Simona Lungu, with all the ingredients and spicy of the benefit to him.

- What is your professional opinion concerning the Swedish Supreme Court's refusal to extradite him not Bivolaru. A Ministry of Justice made all the necessary arrangements for extradition and how they felt prosecutors on the case, when they found that political authorities are against them?

- I have to comment in terms of the Swedish judicial solution and generally I will not comment on legal aspects of these cases, because there are still pending proceedings. But the colleagues was felt a deep sense of frustration in relation to the titanic work performed, who were undergoing stress and response to requests from the Ministry of Justice we have made ??in relation to the cause - that the request for extradition of the accused Bivolaru was initiated by PCAB. Colleagues, and were about eight prosecutors were negatively received justice minister calls for their punishment while out surveys MISA, and especially its public intervention, the defendant pay restitution Bivolaru or cause the floor. Again, all of these statements were made ??when there was a pending investigation, bringing in a sense of hopelessness among team work. believe that any form of interference and pressure in the work of magistrates have repudiated the existing largest river for the judiciary. I like other forms of pressure, such as reducing salaries magistrates are an attack on our independence and dependence puts the judiciary in relation to the executive. And this is a major threat to the proper functioning of the judiciary. From this perspective, I strongly believe that the future will have a CSM firm attitude, determined to sanction any form of public pressure and interference and represent a true guarantor of judicial independence. [...]

Sursa: R?zboi întru Cuvânt ( http://www.razbointrucuvant.ro/recomandari/2013/03/03/dezvaluirile-unui-fost-membru-al-sectei-misa-despre-satanicul-guru-gregorian-bivolaru-si-orgiile-cu-minore-multi-yoghini-au-innebunit-ori-s-au-imbolnavit-de-cancer/ )
