Gregorian Grieg sentenced to six years in prison

15 June 2013

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Gregorian Grieg sentenced to six years in prison

Written by Mioara Maxim, June 15, 2013 « PREVIOUS | Back to Index | NEXT »

Gregorian Grieg MISA leader

Gregorian was sentenced on Friday by the Supreme Court, finally, to six years imprisonment in the case was tried for trafficking and sexual acts with minors, where he was acquitted of two lower courts.

Bivolaru has been sentenced to six years imprisonment, the Supreme Court handed down Friday for sexual intercourse with a minor victim repeated about Madalina Dumitru.

The supreme court ordered the reduction of the penalty from 29 March 2004-1 April 2004, which was incorporated Bivolaru, reported Tuesday.

Further, the Supreme Court acquitted Bivolaru into allegations of sexual perversions about Madalina Dumitru victim on the ground that the offense lacks one of the elements of the offense.

For the same reason, and if the same victim, Bivolaru was acquitted for the offense of trafficking in minors.

The court acquitted at Grieg because no offense, if the charge of sexual intercourse with a minor victim about Ilinca Simionescu, and trafficking of minors in connection with the same victim on the ground that the offense is lacking one element constituents.

Criminal court ceased to Bivolaru to the fact of sexual intercourse with a minor victim repeated about Arabela Marquez and also for corruption sexual contact Madalina Dumitru victim in both cases prescribed facts stated.

However, the court stopped criminal proceedings on behalf of Grieg for attempted illegal border crossing for the same reason that prescription.

The Supreme Court sentenced the publican Zsolt Farkas trial for trying to help Bivolaru to leave the country after starting ancehtei, three years probation and set a probation period of eight years, during which it must strictly comply with a series of measures and obligations established by the court.

ICCJ criminal judges stopped if Farcas Mirona in connection with charges of sexual corruption, where its special limitation period.

ICCJ dismissed civil actions made Ilinca injured parties Simionescu and Agnes Arabela Marquez and noted that Madalina Dumitru not civil party.

Bivolaru court forced to pay £ 50,000 legal costs to the state, while the publican Zsolt Farkas was ordered to pay £ 9,000 - legal expenses.

Friday's decision is final, following the judiciary to enforce.

Gregorian left the country after he was indicted in August 2004 and was arrested in April 2005 in Sweden, but in November the same year, Romanian authorities were rejected its request for extradition.

From May 23, 2013, the court cites Bivolaru and its new name, Magnus Aurolsson, the first time it is mentioned in the file so it is accused of trafficking in minors.

Judges heard closing arguments Friday in the case of the defense and the prosecution Bivolaru MISA leader and two others are judged for trafficking and sexual acts with minors.

The prosecution demanded maximum punishment oriented execution provided by law if Grieg suspended sentence for Zsolt Farkas and termination of criminal proceedings against Miron Farcas.
