Docu: The MISA - Bivolaru files - a blatant counterfeit

From MISA!Description: MISA and Gregorian Bivolaru case - the unknown story beyond the files Because of the lack of evidence on which the first arrest warrant for sexual relationship with a minor, and the extradition request are based, the Bucharest Tribunal issued on 15 April 2005 a new arrest warrant against Gregorian Bivolaru for the crime of trafficking persons. It is strange that this court issued this warrant since only few months ago, the High Court admitted that the Bucharest Tribunal could not impartially judge the cause of Gregorian Bivolaru and reassigned the case to Sibiu Court. Not to talk about the fact that anyway a person cannot not be arrested twice at the same timeā€¦ It is also strange that, although the court knew the names of Mr. Bivolaru's lawyers, they found out about the new warrant through media. Moreover, although the authorities knew Mr. Bivolaru was detained in Sweden, the subpoena was send to his residence in Bucharest. It's obvious that the Prosecutors' Office and the Bucharest Tribunal try to cover the serious abuses, so obvious in the first file, by making up new accusations that are pathetically wick. The assimilation of the activity of an artistic intermediate agency, with which Mr. Bivolaru has no connection whatsoever, and the ancient practice of Karma Yoga, with trafficking persons, show the despair and uncertainty of part of the judiciary, guilty of the huge number of abuses presented above. Taking into account that Gandhi himself has practiced and taught his
