"All the women kissed his feet." Bivolaru has made a new MISA in Paris! (Finnish Police Investigation)

14 May 2013

"All the women kissed his feet." Bivolaru has made a new MISA in Paris!


Bivolaru yogi story (61 years) is long past time the Romanian borders but also in Sweden, the country in which the guru Movement for Spiritual Integration in Absolute (MISA) has obtained political asylum 8 years ago. Finnish national television yesterday aired a story in which a young, Reeta (23 years), confess how Gregorian called her to Paris, where he raped her. In the apartment where Finnish was arrested several days were a lot of girls, including Romanian, Swedish and German woman.

Bivolaru is investigated while the Finnish police, this after Reeta, a young 23-year-old former member of the group MISA, the guru claimed the sexual abuse that took place in Paris, France.

Reet story was revealed yesterday by the national television in Finland, in a report on the extent that the MISA movement throughout Europe.

He subjected her to perversion

Reeta told journalists he went through adventure after yoga group leader in Finland told one day that Bivolaru guru wants to meet her.

"Only at the airport I learned that going to Paris. When we arrived, they told me to take my hat and put my glasses. Car windows that have been taken at the apartment were covered, not to see exactly where I'm going, "he told Reeta.

Young also reported that, after a few hours, came home and Bivolaru.

"When I entered, someone took all the papers. In one room there were more women in Romania, Germany and Sweden. Incredibly, all those who were in the room jumped to kiss the feet of guru when he entered the house, "said the young woman, who revealed that in that apartment guru Bivolaru initiate their victims in the art of sex.

Finnish also testified that "Grig" forced her to satisfy all sexual desires, including the things she did not want to do.

Fail to sexually satisfy all advocated

Lawyer Michael R., formerly MISA, and he is quoted in the report appeared on Finnish television. He was suspended from MISA community two years ago, after he criticized the guru Bivolaru. The man claims that the story told by the young Finnish is an exaggeration.

"It's a story of this young Finnish exaggerated. Probably did not like what happened between her and blames him of sexual abuse. In general, women go to Bivolaru conviction. I heard from women and sexual experiences missed him, mundane and boring. Others said it was amazing. Sex in community MISA's more grooming, not about how powerful it Bivolaru guru. But I did not know how it is as simple as men and yoga student, I was only interested in exercise, "he told Freedom.

You can walk quietly through Europe

How about the fact that guru is hiding in Paris, Michael R. says that it may be a case, as long as Bivolaru has political asylum passport issued by the Center for Refugees United Nations (UN).

"He is free anywhere in Europe, except in Romania. Even if the state in which it has an extradition treaty with our country Gregorian can not be brought back to Romania. Passport and you are released by the UN's clearly means that he can not be extradited to any European country, "said the lawyer for the newspaper Freedom.

Was installed in the subway!

Gregorian Grieg MISA leader, was installed at the Bucharest Metro Antrepriza. In 1971 she began teaching yoga classes first, and six years later, in 1977, was sentenced to one year in prison for multiplication and dissemination of pornographic material.

Perverse sexual practices scandals began only after 1989, when more photos and videos with Bivolaru having sex with MISA members were made public.

Mai mult: «Toate femeile îi s?rutau picioarele». Bivolaru ?i-a f?cut o nou? MISA la Paris! - ?tiri interne | Libertatea.ro