MISA instructor in Italy make revelations about sexual obsessions Grieg

1 December 2012

MISA instructor in Italy make revelations about sexual obsessions Grieg

A young woman told before to 40 MISA instructors, including Virgil Catalin Calin's aberrant sexual practices Bivolaru.

After a few days in Florence prosecutor ordered a search of MISA 25 branch locations in Bologna, Florence, Milan, San Benedetto del Tronto and Bari. Police raided not only in yoga centers, but also in the homes of those involved, seizing computers, books and videos. Investigations were triggered by complaints from at least two possible victims of disciples Grieg following experiences within the organization.

"Il Secolo XIX" record (December 10, 2012) that investigators have interviewed 10 witnesses - possible injured parties. They are men and women between 20-30 years, according to the indictment, was brought in a state of psychological subjection and then persuaded to commit violent sexual practices, filmed without their knowledge. MISA courses according to the teaching of sexual practices as "necessary for spiritual evolution."

Although initially spoke of 18 suspects, the same source says that at the moment there are 20 people investigated in the survey, students and instructors have searched centers. Investigations are ongoing to determine the destination of video recordings made without the knowledge or consent of the participants. Among the hypotheses we mention that these videos would follow the same route as that of Miss Shakti 2001 and 2002, namely the adult film circuit.

Roberto Zambrenti which together with Daniela Trogu, coordinates Atman Yoga Center in Genoa, did not want to comment on any articles published recently in the Italian press, no complaints and criticisms www.exmisa.org MISA forum. But Italian media said he believes the investigation is unfounded prosecution of Florence: "The judicial exact copy other attacks that bear the school in different countries: Finland recently happened and is now happening here in Italy."

MISA press office said since Friday, December 7, 2012, in a statement published on the official website of the sect, that investigations in Italy would be based on complaints "a Romanian-born chef who lives in Italy and who wanted revenge for being kicked out of the Romanian school of yoga ".

"Chef" in question, Calin Catalin Virgil is actually graduate of Political Science and International Relations, with postgraduate diploma in medicine and Bioenergy issued by the Academy of Sciences Herbalists Italy.

Former instructor in Italy distanced itself from MISA since the end of 2009. In 2010 Grieg angry and frustrated by the "betrayal" of Virgil Calin triggered a "divine action that takes place in premier integrated" which asks God that all his investiture initiatives, plus his charisma gained from MISA be withdrawn. Romanian media reported on the event considered a actiunde black magic by many current and former followers of the sect.

Calin Catalin Virgil broke the silence yesterday lawyer Michael Rapcea blog, and he was student MISA "fired" the guru after a year because he dared to criticize him, repeatedly, and reveals that he visited in November 2011 at Paris.

Further revelations gleaned from the premiere to the former colleagues at MISA, in relation to investigation in Italy and some obicieiuri "tantric" the guru who brought him to the attention of the Italian authorities (http://rapcea.ro/2012/12/12/virgil-calin-rupe-tacerea-partea-a-ii-a/) .

"First mention that I (Virgil Catalin Calin-note) I did not even one CLAIMING! Neither the police nor elsewhere. This is a concoction that belongs to Bivolaru and aims to create the eyes your new "enemy" on which to focus attention not just to see the way in which dirt is "school." "

"From my information, the investigation started from a complaint made, ironically, by MISA representatives in Italy. They were so" smart "that they went to the police to make a complaint saying I put DVDs porn sites with their cars while they were at a conference of Stoian and that was the theme to the "real power" conference in which he spoke about me and how sorry I was I that I left MISA. The great "intelligence" then said the police as they, yes, I know personally of those porn actors and that all belong to the same school of yoga, but that really is not about pornography but about art, saying that they themselves tantric practice these habits. Their motivation for this was that as the complaint, allegedly, they were very concerned that a child could take that dvd on windshield (not DVDs was made by me, but as for the others, they had to have a scapegoat). "

"Contrary to the lies that have circulated on the subject, I decided to cut off all contact with MISA and Gregorian Bivolaru mainly for four reasons:

January. Endless problems with justice that they all have and in my opinion are the problems that have arisen because of conduct contrary to moral and ethical principles of yoga.

February. Distortion in many cases totally authentic yogic teachings.

Three. The fact that Mr. Bivolaru offered me his mouth to manipulate my students (I said, 'Hey, I think if this situation to use them some techniques for handling ")

April. Inviting girls yoga classes in so-called lord Bivolaru tantric initiations. These girls were invited by other reliable girls were invited by GB and mentioning "be discreet, Catalin not need to know '."

"It all culminated when a girl who had just returned from he came and told us all about 40 instructors (we were at a meeting of instructors from Italy) that had been subjected to inhuman treatment by Bivolaru. She said that when she was face to face with the so-called Paris GB initiation, he gave the first two glasses of liquor Marisa pretty strong following which, she said: "I never knew me and I did not understand anything. "During the actual initiation, at a time to feel sorry and asked him to stop but he continued this into account. Later he asked this girl to urinate on him but she was not able anymore. RESPECT told that GB then started screaming at her telling her it's a bad (you are a very stupid person), and it was full of demons, that the latter were doing be secluded and fail. Afterwards he took her hand, and went with her to the bathroom, he sat in the tub and asked the girl to her urinate over. facial words were: "I do not belive me saw a pathetic situation. "Ultimately girl told him that she wants to return home, but he and started screaming and said he has to stay another week as more meet. daughter replied that did not want to meet and he had problems in Italy if there late because there was no way to justify his absence. GB asked her what kind of problems and she said that they had problems with her boyfriend but me ( Catalin) because I was not agree for her to go to him (in this respect I want to say that when this girl was invited to go to GB there was a strong argument between us because I insisted not to go for something is wrong and she says it's not true, as many girls have told that for it can be a great opportunity for evolution). Hearing this Bivolaru was very angry and began to yell at him telling these words: "How dare Catalin do that? He should be proud when you came to visit me and even to push in this direction, does not think that he actually is what is due me? For when I met him he was a fucking dishwasher! "It was when I said ready! was the straw that broke the camel because before this episode had gathered many things that were already in place . then I decided that from that moment I did not want to have anything to do with Bivolaru and MISA and closed "relationship" between us sending them a letter. "
