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The wicked receive "hands" just in Sweden. Annette von Sydow from the Attorney General of Sweden said that judges of the Supreme Court of Stockholm decided not to extradite him Bivolaru, because it could be persecuted because of his political opinions. The reasons for that decision also shows that Bivolaru not received a fair trial and that Romania has a lot to solve to Justice and Home Affairs. Bivolaru's lawyers have filed a complaint with the ECHR which requires a series of illegalities committed the issuance of the first warrant for his arrest. Furthermore, MISA leaders sent a memorandum to the Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn and Pierre Moscovici, the European Parliament's rapporteur for Romania.

testimony MISA decisive

Throughout the process of the Swedish capital Bivolaru told the magistrates that , if sent in Romania, will be killed in prison. contributors to release MISA leader and testimonies were Madalina Dumitru, and another practicing yoga, which were heard as witnesses. They told how they were mistreated by police in Romania, to support its claims yogi presenting a medical certificate. , in turn, Madalina, besides being denied all charges against her mentor revealed that he felt "as a tool in the hands of" who used it as a "puppet" to put behind bars Bivolaru. She also recounted the abuses she was subjected to MISA members and supporters and it was taken to the gynecologist by force on 1 April 2004. She also accused of the brutal behavior of the police during searches of 18 March 2004, when Yogis ashram inhabited sites were stormed by masked troops armed to the teeth. In a press release, MISA gladly welcomes fair and objective decision Swedish justice rejected the extradition request and implementation of Bivolaru the freedom of it.

Nastase head evils

"We hope that in this way proves unjust repression which was triggered against this yoga school policy was custom PSD leader and former Prime Minister Adrian Nastase. He has worked with his Ilie Botos, Attorney General and thus against this school was discriminatory and defamatory campaign triggered a release ". "Also prosecution who were under political orders Nastase have indulged in a lot of illegal and abusive actions targeted destruction of this school of yoga and sending the innocent to prison his spiritual mentor, Bivolaru ". "Swedish Supreme Court decision on the evidence and testimony evidence indicates that this whole setup made by the authorities in Romania could not deceive the Swedish justice" .

strokes fell great oaks MISA corrupt justice Romania

five judges of the Supreme Court in Stockholm concluded that Bivolaru has no chance to be part of a fair trial in Romania. Supreme Court ruling, written on 12 pages, is a true indictment of Justice of Romania. Magistrates Swedes are convinced that in Romania, MISA leader should be prosecuted and persecuted unfairly by the authorities because of his beliefs. Swedish court held that the charges against Bivolaru Romanian authorities have no real foundation, but were made in an effort to destroy the largest yoga school in Europe. In this way shows that Romanian judiciary is far from standards Europe. Last solution of Justice novels will be quick to discard the communist legacy, to investigate and to punish those responsible for the persecution of Romanian unfairly MISA yoga school. The only exit from the scene of the error induced public opinion, fabricating false charges against yogis, is their immediate resignation. Leading the group is the architect acted illegally shadow campaign against MISA, Adrian Nastase, followed by Radu Timofte SRI director that he spent ten years listening Romanians money unnecessarily telephone conversations of yogis, Ilie Botos, Attorney General of Romania regarding the misconduct of prosecutors subordinate to Mihai Vlad, SRI agent. prosecutors and judges involved in the case of manipulation of political justice are Marian Delcea, Elena Sandu Antoanela Costache, Lia Savona Chaborsky Gregory, George Balan, Virginia Chirita, Nelu Greyhounds, Virgil Bratu Ionescu ?erb?noiu Eusebius, and Dumitru Marian Herman Ilie?, through their behavior, they have destroyed the image of Roman justice and should come in sight of the Supreme Council of Magistracy. Recognition International Justice This document certifies authenticity Romanian yoga school MISA and the repeated protests of the last 18 months. International recognition of his innocence Bivolaru bring clear evidence of lack of merit in the accusations yogis. Moreover, since 2004, Liberal Senator Norica Nicolai considered Bivolaru scandal lies behind a crude manipulation of public opinion. Senator appreciate that it was initiated by the ruling party at that time (PSD) and aims Romanians distraction from other problems more serious, such as those occurring in the EU accession negotiations. In this respect, Norica Nicolai said that in the 10 years of the Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute, not prepared any report on its activities. Therefore, the Senator believes that the manner in which the investigation was triggered in this case is ridiculous and unprofessional, having only to provide a public circus. During this time, the authorities should be concerned with discovering the place where they got the money stolen from the former member BRD PSD, Gabriel Bivolaru. But instead of doing so, they put up a true soap opera that was "served" Romanians by media at prime time.

sentence Swedish

Supreme Court, which deliberated on the case in 11 and 12 October 2005, stated that the information Madalina Dumitru seriously weakened confidence in the veracity of the allegations against him made by the Romanian Bivolaru. Referring to allegations of using illegal labor was heard BC student who lived in two ashram Links for nine years. He was heard KN Swedish priest vicar. Both BC and KN highlighted the absence of any constraints within MISA. Furthermore, Swedish priest, who was called to make a psychological analysis of Bivolaru said that MISA is not a sect . Another slap Swedish by this time SRI and Romanian media. in this case was referred to several written documents from individuals and organizations, among others Helsinki Committee in Romania (APADOR-CH) and Amnesty International documents relating to persecution and crimes against basic human rights, crimes committed by Romanian media and institutions against MISA and Gregorian Bivolaru. These documents highlight that Bivolaru to persecution in Romania and that he can not be sure it will get a fair trial.

Romanian judiciary is directed

"Swedish Foreign Ministry recalled the EU Commission report on control Romania (October 2004) regarding the persistence of corruption and appointment driven Heads courts.


The Foreign Ministry noted that the charges against the organization, including its leaders, have been very serious, both from the authorities Romanian and the press. tone of the press was, according to Foreign Ministry, spiteful, hateful ". "An adjudication of all matters contained in this case leads to the final conclusion that Bivolaru because of his spiritual beliefs, likely to be exposed to persecution for extradition. Supreme Court found that under Article 7 of Law obstacles against extradition extradition. "