MISA followers seek to Arad: a former instructor talks about prostitution and porn

26 September 2012

MISA followers seek to Arad: a former instructor talks about prostitution and porn

Written by Lucian Serban on 26/09/12 | 6:46 am.

Saved in Administration / SOCIAL , Featured Articles

Tags: Arad , porn , MISA , local news

Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute, led by controversial Gabriel Grieg held today at the House of Culture, a conference opening yoga class, year I. That, under these yoga classes will be held in municipality, every Friday at 19.

Accordingly, Cecilia Tiz, a former yoga instructor course and MISA branch in Essen (Germany) sent us an e-mail to our office through which accuses highly serious threat to the organization. She argues that the foreign press realatat repeatedly that MISA companies involved in making porn and prostitution. "As a former MISA instructor, I can confirm that most of what was written in the Romanian press over the years about this move is true. The most serious problem for me as a woman and mother of a girl of 19, is that MISA under the cover of a yoga school, she sent advocated (among them many with higher education: medicine, biology, etc.) to work on erotic videochat or strip bars (taking them then money) and is involved in the production of pornographic films (often without even knowing that they will be the protagonists of "sold at stalls"). In July 2011, I was invited along with two other former MISA student at Direct Access show where we talked briefly what it does actually MISA yoga under cover, "writes the former course. She says that in the spring of 2008, MISA and all international subsidiaries were excluded from the International Yoga Federation and the European Yoga Alliance, "due to involvement in sexbusiness". "In the summer of 2008, Mr. Seppo Isotalo, PhD in political science and sociology in Finland and the OSCE MISA counsel, concluded in an article published in the newspaper Suur tukholma that MISA is a sect and stopped contact with the organization and not her through the OSCE. In spring 2009 the Danish press disclosures made ??in connection with the Danish subsidiary of MISA, which is also involved in the production of pornography and prostitution. [...] In June 2011, MISA had problems with the press and authorities inidiene and at the end of August 2011 the Argentine press because of her involvement in pornography has subsidiaries in these countries. And in relation to these subjects roared Romanian press. Details of the above, and testimonies, documents, articles and videos you can find on MISA www.exmisa.org forum, a forum set up by former MISA students, "says signatory letter. It further expresses surprise that the authorities allow the organization to recruit new adherents, given that a number of members of MISA are prosecuted for trafficking.

"Given the fact that this event primarily aimed at the younger generation kindly ask to inform the House of Culture leadership and your readers that hides behind this event MISA. [...] In relation to health is obtained through the MISA yoga practice, I want to mention that in recent years have killed a number of students MISA [...] and two MISA student died of cancer breast. Coincidentally both races [...] have evolved porn Ecstasy Water, which was all written in the press in recent years, "she concluded. MISA Strikes In response, representatives Cecilia Tiz MISA accuses of trying to stop conducting courses organized by the association. "There are over 30,000 students this school of yoga Yoga and is not responsible for individual activities outside of school. All reported Cecilia Tiz are cases involving people who have studied yoga, but that does not make them a genuine yogis exemplary ethical and moral, "says Ciprian Fodor, one of the representatives MISA. Regarding health issues raised by the woman, he said that the mortality rate from cancer is greater than 2-30000 and in 24 years of yoga practice number who rises above 100,000 people. "There are many testimonies of people who have been helped by the practice of yoga, it's about an individual word the importance of a millennial and very well structured, MISA yoga school is the largest in Europe and occupies a prominent place in the world" Fodor concluded.