Police are searching for Bivolaru home and MISA ashrams

18 June 2013

Police are searching for Bivolaru home and MISA ashrams

by Andrei Dumitrescu - Mediafax Posted at: 06/18/2013 9:22 Last updated: 18/06/2013 12:12

Mediafax Foto / / Catalina Filip

Capital Chases Police Service officers will seek to address in Romania Bivolaru and MISA ashrams, to perform such legal proceedings after its final sentencing to six years in prison, said police officials in the capital.

The sources said, AFP, that the Capital Police came execution warrant issued by the Bucharest Tribunal penalty of six years in prison if Bivlaru ordered by the Supreme Court.

Although Bivolaru they are currently in Sweden, a country which has granted political asylum since while he was on a fugitive arrest warrant issued in absentia, the name of the founder of MISA was issued after final conviction decided by the Supreme Court, the execution of imprisonment.

As a result, say the authorities, the police must now apply the procedure in such cases and to seek Bivolaru first address in Romania, where they will be interviewed neighbors to find out if it has been seen lately and in places where it could be ascud?. In this regard, according to sources close to the investigation, the police will go to a farm and would be owned by the Tartasesti Bivolaru (Dâmbovi?a County) and over 20 ashrams of the Movement of Spiritual Integration in Absolute (MISA), located in neighborhoods pepper, and Obor Ferentari in Bucharest and Constanta County.

After the procedure is completed police Bucharest Tribunal will send a report will show that the data are sound in the sense that Bivolaru not on the Romanian territory, but in Sweden.

In these circumstances, judges will issue a warrant on behalf of MISA leader international tracking and tracing European one.

However, because Bivolaru obtained in Sweden, asylum status, he can not be arrested and sent to Romania than leaves the country which granted protection.

Friday's Supreme Court decision, which Bivolaru received six years imprisonment for sexual intercourse with a minor repeated, is final.

By the same decision, ICCJ Bivolaru acquitted of sexual perversions about Madalina Dumitru victim on the ground that the offense lacks one of the elements of the offense. For the same reason, and if the same victim, Bivolaru was acquitted for the offense of trafficking in minors.

The court acquitted at Grieg because no offense, if the charge of sexual intercourse with a minor victim about Ilinca Simionescu, and trafficking of minors in connection with the same victim on the ground that the offense is lacking one element constituents.

Also ICCJ ceased to Bivolaru criminal offense in relation to sexual intercourse with a minor victim repeated about Arabela Marquez and also for corruption sexual contact Madalina Dumitru victim in both cases ascertaining prescribing facts.

However, the court stopped criminal proceedings on behalf of Grieg for attempted illegal border crossing for the same reason that prescription.

Gregorian left the country after he was indicted in August 2004 and was arrested in April 2005 in Sweden. In November 2005, Romanian authorities were rejected its request for extradition.

Subsequently, in December 2005, the founder of MISA received political asylum from the Swedish authorities.

Of 23 May 2013 case in which a final decision is Friday, the court quoted Bivolaru and its new name, Magnus Aurolsson, the first time it was mentioned that.

MISA's founder autumn term and in a case of human trafficking, along with 20 members of MISA. The trial will be held in Cluj-Napoca, the file being in the role since April 14, 2009.

Bivolaru MISA and the 20 members were indicted by the Department for the Investigation of Crime and Terrorism (DIOCT) on 15 June 2007 and the beginning of the Bucharest Tribunal.

According to Italian media, Gregoria Bivolaru would be targeted and an investigation in Italy linked to MISA activities.

In December 2012, in this investigation, the Italian authorities have done searches in 25 places in several cities, MISA is suspected to reduce to slavery, recruiting young people to practice sexual orgies and pornography, according to press reports in the peninsula.

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