Italy 2013 - crisis confirmed
23 January 2014

Date: 01/23/14

International adoptions: a first look at the data of 2013. Crisis confirmed, couples fall (-7.2%) and adopted children (9.1%)

statistiche350By the Commission for International Adoptions reach tentative signs of life on the corporate website, it is in fact appeared an extract from the annual statistical report containing the data of adoptions for the year 2013 , which will be published in full in February.

There is a crisis, and it is confirmed: during the past year, there was in fact a decrease of 9.1% in the number of children adottat i, which follows the actual "collapse" of 2012 (-22.8% ). Since 2010, the year when there was a peak with 4,130 adopted children, began a steady and gradual downward trend, which led, in fact, the "only" 2,825 children in 2013: less than 1350, for an overall decrease of nearly 32% in 4 years .

The decline of the past year, according to the CAI, was due mostly to the sharp slowdown in international adoption in Colombia, but also in Brazil and Ukraine. Favorable instead was recorded in Ethiopia, Poland and Vietnam.

More specifically, the numbers say that from January to December were allowed to enter Italy 2,825 children , from 56 countries, 281 less than in 2012 (-9.1%). The five largest countries of origin of the children are the Russian Federation (730 children), Ethiopia (293), Poland (202), Brazil (187) and Colombia (179), which alone accounted for 56.4 % of the total in the year adopted by the Italian couples.

How to adoptive families, were 2,291 , 178 less than in 2012 (-7.2%). Most of them reside in Lombardy (409 pairs, representing 17.9% of the total), Tuscany (241, equal to 10.5%), Lazio (240, equal to 10.5%), Veneto (224, 9.8% ) and Campania (188, equal to 8% .2). According to CAI, it is predominantly "spouses with qualifications from upper-medium, belonging to white-collar job categories, the professions and teachers."

Finally, decreases the average age of children adopted , which in 2013 was 5.5, compared with 5.9 in 2012. The little ones come from Ethiopia (2.3), while the older ones in Brazil (7.9).

There remains, therefore expect that the publication of the statistical report, in order to have a more complete picture of the situation and the crisis that is affecting the field of international adoptions. See you next February.
