New contactperson Danadopt : Rehila Abbas

1 January 2014

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New Contact in Ethiopia

We are pleased that we can now present our new contact in Ethiopia.

Rehila Abbas is 34 and she is educated lawyer. Rehila is married and has two sons aged 5 and 7 years. Rehila in recent years arbejde as a lawyer, consultant and judge. She ia in a 5 year period arbejde as a judge at the Supreme Court in Addis Ababa, where she has treated both national and international adoptionssager. Rehila have all led contributed to udarbejde guidelines and manuals indenfor adoptionsarbejdet in Ethiopia. She has experience with interviews and counseling af biological families and she is partly also holds seminars and workshops for forskellige professionals among them social advisor, judges, børnehjemspersonale and Organisation.

Rehila will now include to represent and coordinate DanAdopt work in all contexts adoption in Ethiopia, and she must therefore work together with various authorities and stakeholders in Ethiopia and at our office in Birkeroed.

Rehila must simultaneously contribute to the ethical, legal and professional requirements are observed in DanAdopt cases. She will also assist our families when they travel to Ethiopia to bring home their child / children.

Rehila appears as a highly competent, well-liked and well-respected person with an extensive knowledge of adoption work in Ethiopia. She is used to academically succeed at different levels and to work with various different actors in the area of adoption in Ethiopia. Rehila has been appointed. 1January 2014 and she is looking forward to getting down to work and not least to meet our families when they travel to repatriate their child / children.

Rehila & dansk ambassade Sr. Asayech & Rehila

Rehila foran Danish ambassade in Addis

Tikurets leader Sr. Asayech introduce Rehila to Tikurets work
