Special consultant Mette Garnæs visited Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 16-20th June 2014.

20 June 2014

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News from Ethiopia

Special consultant Mette Garnæs visited Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 16-20th June 2014.

purpose was previously to follow up on our work in Addis with the possibility of direct dialogue and meetings with various Ethiopian partners and other stakeholders.

We can confirm that we still have a functioning office in Addis with competent and experienced Ethiopian colleagues. DanAdopt contact Mrs. Rehila Abbas is still engaged and involved in DanAdopt work and she has as Vice-President of ASON network at the same time the opportunity to engage in broad cooperation with other organizations in Ethiopia. ASON has positively with children's believed the network and they have a good relationship with MOWCYA.

DanAdopt intermediation remains limited to Addis Ababa, where the children still to be shifted from the state orphanage Kibebe Teshay to our partner Tikurets private orphanage in Addis. Only when the child / children are moved from the orphanage Kibebe Teshay to one of the private institutions including Tikuret commence the clarification phase / release phase of the child / children. We have currently. learned that the release process in Addis Ababa has been very slow, as part of the upgrading program in this part of the work is a requirement for written evidence and case management in a "børnesag".

During the visit, learned Mette Garnæs that there are positive trends in relation to part of a broader interdisciplinary collaboration in the area of ??adoption across levels and different actors in Ethiopia. We have previously seen that the systems have tended to work in parallel rather than cooperation. In addition, UNICEF is working, Ethiopia pt. to establish a children's registration system in Ethiopia, which will help increase the improvement of administrative systems in the country.

There are still political attention on the area of ??adoption in Ethiopia and you are still experiencing an increase in national adoptions, but also in relation to other alternative solutions for the many vulnerable children and families. There is a strong focus on foster care model, which in Ethiopia is considered as a permanent solution for the children and as a possible solution for the child before adoption. There is still a need for international adoptions as part of possible solutions for the children who are in need of a new family.

The Board is currently monitoring visit to Ethiopia, where they include meet various regulatory agencies and stakeholders.

We expect a visit from our contact Mrs. Rehila Abbas and Meaza Fantahun, our Ethiopian accounting responsibility in week 38, we will invite our Ethiopia waiting list but also our families who have adopted from Ethiopia, to an event when the final details of their visits, have fallen into place.
