Clifford Chance supports Save the Children


(Date not clear - website accessed July 2014)


Leading law firm Clifford Chance is working with Save the Children to provide better access to education and a better future to thousands of children in India.

Through the firm’s Clifford Chance Foundation the company has committed £450,000 to fund a three-year pre-school and primary education project in Delhi. The Chance for Children project will work in 50 of the city’s schools, training teachers in inclusive education approaches and playschool teachers so they can offer pre-school education.

It will also set up 50 Social Welfare Committees to enable children to participate in the management of their school. As a result we are hoping to achieve a 50% increase in academic achievement among the 33,000 primary school children the project will reach.

Clifford Chance also provides pro bono legal support for Save the Children at its offices around the world.

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