Charity account

Full accounts for LUMOS FOUNDATION

Annual Returns to Charity Commission

Financial year ending 2007-12-31 2009-12-31 2011-12-31 2012-12-31

Income from legacies £0 £0 £0 £0

Income from endowments £0 £0 £0 £0

Voluntary income £1.97m £2.27m £20,806 £3.17m

Activities generating funds £0 £0 £491,575 £0

Income from charitable activities £0 £94,033 £0 £0

Investment income £38,426 £7,378 £223,715 £253,853

Other income £0 £0 £58,826 £339,245

Total income £2.01m £2.37m £794,922 £3.76m

Investment gains £0 £0 £-500,643 £662,833

Gains from asset revaluations £0 £0 £0 £0

Gains on pension fund £0 £0 £0 £0

Voluntary income costs £132,469 £192,451 £152,594 £301,429

Fundraising trading costs £0 £0 £0 £0

Investment management costs £0 £0 £42,476 £39,984

Grants to institutions £0 £0 £0 £0

Charitable activities costs £727,424 £1.39m £2.19m £2.74m

Governance costs £0 £42,498 £31,393 £15,265

Other expenses £128,177 £0 £0 £0

Total expenses £988,070 £1.63m £2.42m £3.10m

Support costs £128,177 £289,042 £274,169 £283,235

Depreciation £6,057 £10,934 £28,133 £39,518

Reserves £2.37m £16.51m £9.43m £8.28m

Fixed assets at start of year £15,063 £31,900 £100,180 £9.55m

Fixed assets at end of year £21,520 £108,232 £9.55m £8.37m

Fixed investment assets at start of year £0 £0 £0 £9.43m

Fixed investment assets at end of year £0 £0 £9.43m £7.97m

Current investment assets £0 £2.13m £0 £0

Cash £2.35m £14.55m £765,034 £2.83m

Total current assets £2.39m £16.68m £1.11m £3.65m

Creditors within 1 year £41,734 £273,543 £73,718 £116,064

Long term creditors or provisions £0 £0 £0 £0

Pension assets £0 £0 £0 £0

Total assets £2.37m £16.51m £10.58m £11.91m

Endowment funds £0 £0 £0 £0

Restricted funds £0 £20,920 £38,718 £5,987

Unrestricted funds £2.37m £16.49m £10.54m £11.90m

Total funds £2.37m £16.51m £10.58m £11.91m

Employees 15 8 43 60

Volunteers 0 0

Consolidated accounts No Yes Yes Yes

Charity only accounts Yes No No No

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