Lumos registration in Transparency Register
10 September 2014

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Profile of registrant

Lumos Foundation

Identification number in the register: 849607914394-57

Registration date: 10/09/14 15:31:32

The information on this organisation was last modified on 10/09/14 15:33:20

The date of the last annual update was 10/09/14 15:31:32

Registrant : Organisation or self-employed individual

Name/company name: Lumos Foundation

Acronym: Lumos

Legal status: Lumos Foundation (Lumos) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales number: 5611912 | Registered charity number: 1112575

Website address:


Section: III - Non-governmental organisations

and more precisely: Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar

Person with legal responsibility

Surname, Name: Ms Georgette Mulheir

Position: CEO

Permanent person in charge of EU relations

Surname, Name: Ms Irina Papancheva

Position: EU Policy and Advocacy Adviser

Contact details:

Contact details of organisation's head office: 1-11 Gredley House Broadway

London E15 4BQ


Telephone number: (+44) 020 7253 6464

Fax number: (+44) 020 7253 6563

Other contact information: Lumos EU Liaison Office

Rue Royale / Koningsstraat 35

B-1000 Brussels


Tel.: +32 (0)2 230 73 26

Lumos Bulgaria

5 Neofit Rilski Str. fl.3

Sofia 1000, Bulgaria

t: +359 (0) 2 85 116 84

Lumos Czech Republic

Národní 9

Prague 1

110 00

Czech Republic

t: +420 224 283 453

Lumos Moldova

14/1 Banulescu Bodoni Str.

Chisinau, Moldova


t: +373 22 210 240

Goals / remit

Goals / remit of the organisation: Lumos is an international non-governmental organisation, set up by the author J.K. Rowling that works to end the systematic institutionalisation of children around the world. Worldwide eight million children are living in orphanages or other form of institutional care, where their needs cannot be met and where they are at risk of severe harm, abuse and neglect.

Our vision is a world in which all children have the opportunity to grow up in a safe and caring family setting, or where there is no alternative, the specialist placements that meet all their needs, respect their rights and ensure they can fulfil their potential. We work to transform education, health and social care systems for children and their families and help children move from institutions to family-based care.

Lumos works in partnership with governments, professionals and carers, communities, families and children, to transform outdated systems that drive families apart. Together with our partners we replace institutions with community based services that provide children with access to health, education and social care tailored to their individual needs. This supports families to provide the loving care their children need to develop to their full potential and build a positive future for themselves. Lumos is a founder member of the European Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community Based Care, a member of the Global Alliance for Children and the Global Partnership for Children with Disabilities in Development.

Lumos Foundation (Lumos) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales number: 5611912. Lumos is registered as a charity in England and Wales with the registered charity number: 1112575.

The organisation's fields of interests are:


Number of persons engaged in activities falling under the scope of the Transparency Register

Number of persons: 7

Complementary information:

Persons accredited for access to European Parliament premises

No accredited persons


Main EU initiatives covered the year before by activities falling under the scope of the Transparency Register:

Lumos is a children’s rights organisation working to end the institutionalisation of children worldwide. We work in partnership with governments, professionals and carers, communities, families and children, to move from outdated systems of institutional based care to family and community-based systems. We are a founding member of the European Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community Based Care.

The EU plays a pivotal role in changing attitudes and shifting systems of care and support from institutional to community-based services. However, large sums of European funds have in the past been used to renovate existing institutions and build new ones. While the intentions of these processes were good, they have failed to understand that institutions cannot provide proper environments in which to raise children.

Lumos therefore has and continues to lobby for changes in legislation which will ensure that EU funds support the reform of the care systems, instead of being used to maintain outdated and harmful institutional models of care. In this regard, Lumos has lobbied the European Institutions to ensure that European Structural Funds will be used to dismantle institutions and replace them with community-based care services. In the future, Lumos intends to lobby the European Institutions with the same intention, focusing on other EU funding streams and policy initiatives targeting countries outside the EU.

Lumos also lobbies and intends to continue to advocate to the European Institutions on policy initiatives that may accelerate, threaten or otherwise influence the shift from institutional to community-based care.

During 2013-2014 we have co-hosted a conference and a round-table on this theme in the European Parliament, co hosted with the EC (on behalf of the European Expert Group) a seminar on the use of EU funds to support deinstitutionalisation in Bulgaria and responded to various EU consultations related to children’s rights.

Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;

Fields declared by the organisation:



Employment and Social Affairs


External Relations

Foreign and Security Policy and Defence

Humanitarian Aid

Justice and Fundamental Rights

Regional Policy



Total number of members that are natural persons: 240

Number of member organisations:

Member organisations (Number of members) :

The organisation has members/is represented in the following country(countries):





Complementary information:


Information on (i) organisation's membership of any associations/federations/confederations or (ii) relationships to other bodies in formal or informal networks.

This group emerged from the AdHoc Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based care. The group aims to serve as an informal advisory body to European institutions, member states and candidate countries in relation to institutional care reform, focusing on the rights of children, people with disabilities, including people with mental health problems, older persons and families.

Other members of the EEG are: COFACE (Confederation of Family Organisations in the EU), Eurochild, EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for People with Disabilities), EDF (European Disability Forum), ENIL/ECCL (European Network on Independent Living/European Coalition for Community Living), ESN (European Social Network), Inclusion Europe, Lumos, Mental Health Europe, OHCHR Regional Office for Europe and UNICEF.

Global Partnership on Children with Disabilities (GPCwD) is a network of more than 240 organisations, that provides a platform for advocacy and collective action to ensure the rights of children with disabilities are included and prioritised by both the disability and the child rights movement. The GPCwD is set up of several task forces. Lumos hosts the secretariat of the Child Protection taskforce and is a member of the Taskforce on Inclusive Education.

Global Alliance for Children aims to harness international aid to support countries in their efforts to move children out of large institutions and into family and community-based care. Other members of the Global Alliance for Children are USAID, the World Bank, Childhood, Save the Children, the Canadian Department for Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada, New Venture Fund, UBS, GHR Foundation and Maestral International.

Financial data

Financial year: 01/2013 - 12/2013

Total budget: 5,522,240 €

of which public financing: 49,976 €

- from European sources:

- Procurement: €

- Grants: 49,976 €

- from national sources: €

- from local/regional sources: €

from other sources: 5,472,264 €

- donations: 4,660,170 €

- contributions from members: €

- Royalties : 412,294 €

- Investment income : 399,800 €

Estimated costs to the organisation directly related to representing interests to EU institutions in that year: 50000 € - 100000 €

Other (financial) information provided by the organisation:

Code of conduct

By its registration the organisation has signed the Transparency Register Code of Conduct.
