Romanian Government rejects Catharsis adoption law

14 November 2014

Catharsis Association added 7 new photos Brasov.

9 hrs ยท


Ponta Government rejected legislative proposal to change the law in force adoption by the Senate sent viewpoint on September 6, 2013, although legislative proposal on adoption in Romania has been endorsed by the Legislative Council of the Parliament on July 4, 2013!

Adoption law in force, Law no. 273/2004 discriminate both abandoned children where there is no chance of reintegration into the family and extended families who want to adopt a child! The same hostile attitude had and commissions with decision-making in Parliament that irresponsible presidents before them, without conscience, careless:

? Committee for Labour, Family and Social Protection of the Senate - President Liviu Marian Pop, PSD senator - gave negative opinion change adoption law in force on October 29, 2013!

? Senate Judiciary Committee headed by Vice President Toni rake, PSD senator - gave notice Nagata legislative proposal at the meeting on November 6 although the proposal does not figure on the agenda and chair of the committee was absent!

? Health and Family Committee, Chamber of Deputies - President Nassar Rodica, deputy PSD - gave a negative opinion on December 9, 2013!

? Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, Chamber of Deputies -President Minca PP-MP Liliana DD - gave a negative opinion on December 10, 2013!

? Foreign Policy Committee, the Chamber of Deputies - President Laszlo Borbely, deputy UDMR - gave a negative opinion on 11 December 2013.

? Committee for Labour and Social Protection, the Chamber of Deputies - President Florin Iordache, PSD deputy - has given a negative opinion on March 11, 2014!

We note that the proposal was initiated by Liberal Senator drags Sebastian and complies with:

? Constitution

? New Civil Code

? UN Convention on the Rights of the Child signed in New York on 20 November 1989, 194 states. UN Convention was ratified by the Romanian Parliament by Law no. 18/27 September 1990.

? Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption done at The Hague on 29 May 1993. The Convention was ratified by the Romanian Parliament by Law no. 84/1994.
