WRITTEN QUESTION by Mairead McGuinness (PPE?DE) to the Commission - Negru Voda

25 April 2005

Parliamentary questions

25 April 2005


WRITTEN QUESTION by Mairead McGuinness (PPE?DE) to the Commission

Subject: The roll-out of national pilot projects for the reform of state institutions in Romania


In relation to the reform of state institutions housing young adults (especially those with disabilities) in Romania, can the Commission outline what is the situation in relation to the roll-out of national pilot projects for reform of these institutions under ANPH, specifically in relation to Negru Voda and when will this pilot project be rolled out nationally?


Parliamentary questions

13 June 2005


Answer given by Mr Rehn on behalf of the Commission

The Commission is aware of the situation of disabled persons in residential care and has been supporting the Romanian authorities in their efforts to improve this situation since 2002.

To this end, in 2002 the Romanian authorities and the Commission initiated a twinning light project, with Member State experts, for the finalisation of the Romanian national strategy for disabled persons and the elaboration of an action plan for the period 2003?06. This strategy foresees, inter alia, the closure/restructuring of old style residential care institutions, by replacing them by small scale, modern facilities and services. This is similar to the reform that has been implemented over the last years in the field of child protection in Romania, which already included disabled children in public care.

The aforementioned Member State experts also trained the local authorities concerned in drafting local strategies, as well as training on assessment of disabled persons on waiting lists plus all residents in institutions. On the basis of such assessments individual plans should be prepared.

At this moment, the Romanian authorities are in the process of starting the implementation of a Phare project of EUR 14 million, that will finance the closure/restructuring of old-style residential care institutions. Projects will be selected based on qualitative criteria, and the best solution for each institution will need to be decided by the responsible local authorities.

The Commission is not aware of a roll-out of national pilot projects.