Rapist nun led team to Romanian orphanage.

13 June 1999

Rapist nun led team to Romanian orphanage.

AN Irish nun, who helped rape and terrify a 10-year-old girl, was later allowed to lead a cross-border mercy mission to a Romanian orphanage.

And evil Nora Wall - dubbed Sister Anti-Christ by her helpless victim - made a major impression on members of the British government funded Belfast Action Team which organised the trip.

They provided her with a glowing testimonial saying they would have "no hesitation whatsoever" in involving her in any of their future programmes.

Now a full investigation is expected to be launched.

Last week the Central Criminal Court in Dublin heard how Wall, 51, led a secret double life of depravity.

Wall, formerly Sister Dominic at the the Sisters of Mercy order, was convicted of raping the young girl in her care at a home run by the sisters in Cappoquin, Co Waterford.


The former nun held her child victim by the ankles as her co-accused, Paul 'Pablo' McCabe, carried out the horrific rape.

The sick pair were named for the first time when their victim, Regina Walsh, now 21, said she wanted them to be identified.

Both were cleared of a second rape charge, but Wall was also found guilty of indecent assault and is due to be sentenced next month.

Miss Walsh said most children at the home were battered by Wall. "Everyone got it, very few were spared. She beat us with sticks, pots and pans, but mostly with her fists."

The offences took place between January 1987 and December 1998 and Wall was eventually ordered to leave the home in 1990.

Shortly after her departure she was appointed co-ordinator-supervisor on a North-South project at the Negru Voda Orphanage in Romania.

The project involved the Suffolk Action Team in west Belfast and FAS Waterford.

BAT itself was at the centre of two separate investigations-by the RUC fraud squad and a former Auditor General-over "serious" lapses in the control of taxpayers' money.