International adoptions. In the first quarter of 2015 the decline does not stop:15% foreign children less adopted by Italian fam
1 January 2015

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Date: 15/04/16

International adoptions. In the first quarter of 2015 the decline does not stop:15% foreign children less adopted by Italian families

the absence of official data on international adoptions in our country, we have to resort once again to projections. The Commission for International Adoptions, which in the past made public the data per semester in July and for the whole year in the month of January of the year Next, so rather late.

Then as now we have to do for some time, we have to resort to projections, combining the data of the Authorized Bodies (unfortunately not all comply with the requirement to publish them, as required by the Guidelines of the Commission itself) with those provided in the countries of origin.

Recall that in the first quarter of 2013 the adoptions relating to children welcomed in Italy were 636, while the first three months of 2014 saw 477 adopted children. Now the calculations show that from January to March 2015 , with a margin of error of 5 %, children adopted by Italian families do not exceed 400.

Then the negative trend continues unstoppable, a decline that is over 15%. We have to be content to consider positively the fact that the loss is less marked than last year. On the other hand the first quarter of 2014 was very negative, with a peak in March. The first three months of 2014, compared to those of 2013, a decline of 25% was recorded. While March was the month of the meltdown of 2014 the inputs of children adopted in Italy fell by 47% over the same month of 2013.

Compared with the data of individual institutions, in the first quarter of 2015 the three largest agencies - CIFA, Naaa and Ai.Bi.- and recorded a good seal, if not improved. The CIFA to 30 March saw the arrival in Italy of 55 children; Naaa got 30 share that last year the agency reached only in the month of May; Finally with Ai.Bi. from January to March 45 children have arrived in Italy, while in the past 30 had entered.

After the golden age of adoptions that reached its peak in 2010 (4,130 children adopted in our country), the number of international adoptions has steadily dropped: 4022 in 2011; 3106 in 2012; 2,825 in 2013. Two years ago, the overall decline was almost 32 percent. While in 2014 the negative trend has continued, with a further reduction of 30 percent.

How to read the projections for the first part of 2015? In the absence of clear political will for a concrete sector reform which would give a new impetus to the whole system of international adoptions, the paradox is that the further loss of 15% is almost good news.