Registration rules 9th Forum - public? since deleted
1 March 2015

9th European Forum on the Rights of the Child

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Only persons and organisations having received an official invitation from the European Commission may register. In principle, participation is limited to one representative per organisation. For participation in the Forum, the Commission is aiming for a balanced and wide range of stakeholders, representing all Member States, and different perspectives and roles for those whose work is relevant to integrated child protection systems and the rights of the child. As venue capacity is strictly limited, we will only be able to accept requests for participation at the Forum using these criteria and taking account of the number of places available.

If you have not received an invitation but would like to attend, please contact

Travel costs and in principle one night's accomodation in the Thon Brussels City Centre hotel will be covered by the European Commission. Please ensure that you will be able to travel to the conference before registering as cancellations are costly.

Registration deadline: please register by 12:00 CET on Thursday 30 April 2015.

Registration fees: no registration fee is required.


Travel for participants will be made by a contractor on behalf of the European Commission.

The exceptions to these rules are travel by train or car, for which you will be reimbursed after the meeting, subject to having received prior approval from the European Commission.

· For travel by train, please indicate the price of the ticket in the registration form for approval by the European Commission. Reimbursement will be made upon presentation of the original train ticket and receipt (2nd class).

· For travel by car, you will be reimbursed after the meeting on the basis of the exact distance from your hometown to the venue, return journey (there and back): 0,22 €/km.


For registered participants, the European Commission will in principle pay accommodation in a single bedroom with breakfast for one night at the Thon Brussels City Centre hotel, unless travel constraints justify a second night's accommodation.

Please note that if you choose to book a room in another hotel, this cost will NOT be reimbursed and will be at your own expense. If you wish to stay in a double room or if you wish to stay extra nights, any surcharges will be at your own expense.


The European Commission invites participants to a networking dinner at the Thon Brussels City Centre Hotel on 3 June and to a buffet lunch on 4 June.


Please note that any extras will be charged directly to you.

Transfers for travellers by air:

Transfers from the airport to the venue on arrival, and from the hotel to the airport on departure, will be organised by our contractor. Transfers are organised only for participants for whom our contractor has arranged travel.

Transfers from the conference venue to the hotel

Bus transfer from the Borschette Conference Centre on 3 June to the hotel where the dinner will be held is organised by our contractor.

Participants with specific mobility requirements should indicate these in the registration form.

An automatic message will appear after submitting your request for participation. If you have any problems with registering, please contact tel. + 33 143 67 79 79