EEG on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care receives “Innovative Practices 2015” award (F

27 February 2015

European Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care receives “Innovative Practices 2015” award

27-02-2015 Children in Alternative Care - Other CSOs News -

EEG highlights the need of community-based care and identifies the risks of institutional care for persons with disabilities

The European Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care was one of 50 projects to receive an award for “Innovative Practices 2015” during the Zero Project Conference (25-27 February) on Independent Living and Political Participation in Vienna, celebrated on 25 February.

The European Expert Group (EEG) includes a wide range of stakeholders, providing training, guidance, and tools to EU officials, political representatives, and governments to inform them about the need of community-based care and the risks of institutional care for persons with disabilities.

Collaborating organisations include Coface, Eurochild, European Disability Forum (EDF), European Network for Independent Living (ENIL), European Social Network (ESN), Inclusion Europe, Lumos Foundation, Mental Health Europe, UNHCHR, and UNICEF.

More information available in this web page.
