Adoption of the sila (II). Suspicions that three minors could become victims of trafficking

28 January 2016

Adoption of the sila (II). Suspicions that three minors could become victims of trafficking

28 Jan 2016

Author: Doina Stimpovschii

The children say they prefer to remain in Moldova and do not want to be adopted in the US. Adevarul Photo Archive

A US family insists to adopt three brothers Moldovan minors against their will. The children say that in December last year, the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family (MLSPF), and the Municipal Department for Child Protection have constantly pressed them to accept to go to America.

The NGO "Child Advocate" suspects that the brothers could be victims of human trafficking, while the authorities deny any allegations.

Three brothers 9, 12 and 14 years have learned that they are being matched with a family in America selected by MLSPF on 11 December 2015. Under the legislation, orphan children who have reached the age of 10 have the right and should poignantly be heard whether or not to be adopted by a particular family. The children said they did not want to be part of the American family, but their opinion is not taken into account either by its representatives nor those of the municipal Department, says Tamara Pl?m?deal?, president of the NGO "Child Advocate".


On the last day of last year, the Municipal Department for Child Protection has requested the opinion of minors in respect of US family. "Children should be asked much earlier," said Tamara Pl?m?deal?. "We inform you again that w refuse to be adopted into the family in the US and ask you to consider our opinion," was the answer of the brothers of 12 and 14 who are since six years in a boarding school in Chisinau, while their sister of 9 year old is in the care of professional foster parents since four years.


Tamara Pl?m?deal? says MLSPF tried to move the boys from the boarding school into a foster placement. "During the meeting the Advisory Council on the adoption of the Ministry of Labour on 20 January 2016, it was decided to change the form of placement of children in gimaziul boarding school. Do you realize what authorities will do. Let's pull them from the institution and give them into care to persuade them to sign a written declaration that they want to be adopted, "says Tamara Pl?m?deal?.

However, this initiative of the Ministry has not been carried through, since it was not accepted by Svetlana Chifa, head of the municipal Department for Child Protection. The psychologist of the boarding school that teaches the boys says that children should not leave the institution where they were for six years. "They got used here and are among the best in their classes, the psychological climate is favorable," says psychologist Catherine Treisteanu.


On this case the Centre for Combating Trafficking in human beings is concerned about the fate of these children if they were adopted. "Can I assume that this is child trafficking. I realize that some officials are so strongly involved to complete the procedure to match these children and the family in the US. The Center for Combating Human Trafficking began an investigation, but stopped it. Probably they received orders not to get involved, "said Tamara Pl?m?deal?.


I talked to the juveniles brothers placed in a residential institution in Chisinau. The boys say bluntly that do not want to move to America. "The Americans came directly from school without us being prepared. The next day we went along to the city. They told us that they want to take us with them. They seemed nice, "said the eldest of the brothers. The children had six meetings with the US family who are in Moldova at present. The minors states that they do not want to move in a country so distant.

They say that both American spouses are too old. "The man is 62 years old and the woman about 40," said the children, information confirmed by authorities. By law, adoption is permitted only to persons who have attained the age of 25 years and are at least 18 years older than they want to adopt him, but no more than 48 years. The Head of the Municipal Department, Svetlana Chifa, however, said in this case, the provision is not violated, because one of the parents has the right age.


Both the Ministry and the Municipal Department refuted the charges that they would have any personal interest in the case of international adoption. "I'm sad that children are manipulated. The actual adoption procedure has not even started, "said Svetlana Chifa for Adevarul Moldova stating that they were in making waves in a glass about this story. The Labour Ministry also denied the information released by Tamara Pl?m?deal?, "aimed to harm the honor, dignity and business reputation of both the institution and its employees," dismissing them as slander. The Ministry announced some time ago that to take recourse to the law, on the allegations made by Pl?m?deal?.