Terre des Hommes: Trafficking project Advisory Board


Advisory Board

John Davies

Dr. John Davies is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a member of the European Commission's expert network on migration, integration and social cohesion and a visiting research fellow at the Sussex Centre for Migration Research at the University of Sussex. He has worked among vulnerable migrants since 1977 and has consistently worked with migrant people to maximise the benefits of migration while seeking to reduce the risks. He has extensive experience of vulnerable migration in the Gulf States, South and South East Asia, Europe and particularly the Balkans where he has lived and worked for almost 20 years. He has repeatedly and successfully challenged controversial State controls over the mobility of women and children that presume a common agenda regarding the best interests of such groups. His research and publications on trafficking emphasise the diversity of trafficking experiences and the need to acknowledge the self-solutions of trafficked people to their exploitation. His latest book is an ethnographic examination of the experiences of trafficked Albanian women in France that challenges common presumptions regarding the migration motivation and trafficking vulnerability of Albanian women.

John Frederick

John Frederick is a technical consultant for international organizations in South Asia. He designs research activities in human trafficking, sex work and migration, and assists in the development of strategies and capacity-building activities for governments and local organizations conducting the recovery and social integration of victims of trafficking, domestic violence, armed conflict and sexual abuse. He is the author of Fallen Angels: the Sex Workers of South Asia, among other publications.

Lisa Rende Taylor

Lisa Rende Taylor has worked in the field of counter-trafficking (South, Southeast, and Northeast Asia) for nearly a decade, beginning as an academic and field researcher in northern Thailand in the mid-1990’s, then going on to serve in the U.S. Government, the NGO sector, as an independent evaluator, and now in the UN. As an anthropologist with forensics training, Dr. Rende Taylor prefers to spend her time on the ground, working with front-line responders and victim service providers to identify and assist more people who need assistance, and to bring to justice those who trafficked and exploited them.

Matthew S Friedman

Beginning in June 1991, Matthew S. Friedman worked as an international counter-trafficking activist, fund-raiser, program designer, evaluator and manager. He has designed and managed both country and regional counter-trafficking programs (South and Southeast Asia, Bangladesh and Nepal), helped to establish a counter-trafficking regional training center, and participated in resource mobilization and production of two award-winning films on the subject. In addition, he has participated and presented at many of the major counter trafficking conferences in both South and South-east Asia, facilitated and offered training support within numerous counter-trafficking workshops and training programs, and helped to develop a human trafficking paradigm that offers conceptual clarity to technical staff working in the sector. He has also published an array of articles, manuals, books and periodic papers on the subject.

Mike Dottridge

Mike Dottridge is an independent human rights consultant. From 1996 until 2002 he was director of a London-based non-governmental organisation, Anti-Slavery International, where much of his work focused on cases of human trafficking, of both adults and children. In 2002 he was part of a panel of UN experts which helped draft a set of principles and guidelines on human rights and human trafficking. He lives and works in the United Kingdom.
