The government restricts foreign adoptions. "Polish children adopted by the Polish family"

24 January 2017

The government restricts foreign adoptions. "Polish children adopted by the Polish family"

Marcin Koz?owski, PAP 24/01/2017 13:23


Child care home. illustrative photo

Child care home. Photo illustration (Fig. Marcin Wojciechowski / Agencja Gazeta)

The Ministry of the family wants to reduce the number of children adopted by foreign families. Powers in this matter have lost just two main centers of adoption. By this sick children or elderly may have trouble finding a family.


Head of the Ministry of the family admits outright that he wants to limit the number of foreign adoptions. Currently there are approx. 300 per year. - More than 70 per cent. children adopted abroad are separated siblings, it is really a serious problem - says El?bieta Rafalska.

At present, the child may go to foreign adoption, if not it will be for the parents in the country. Consent to the adoption must express foreign ministry of the family, only then the final decision the court.

- It's a stereotype that is sent abroad children in Poland have no chance of adoption, because they are very sick. Only 20 per cent. one has pronounced disability - says Bartosz Deputy Minister Marchuk.

- create such conditions that the Polish children were adopted by Polish families - declared a few days ago, Prime Minister of Beata Szyd?o.

What were the first steps of the government? Resort family received in mid-January, two adoptive centers in Warsaw powers regarding foreign adoptions. Annually, thanks to their activities in another country house was approx. 200 children. Now for adoption will only respond to a Catholic center in the capital.

Officials involved in the adoption admit that for many children adoption by steam from abroad was often the only chance for a happy childhood and loving care.

Adoption centers lose their privileges

Last week, the Ministry issued a notice, which gave the power to conduct foreign adoptions to the two Catholic missions - Diocesan Adoption Protecting the Center in Sosnowiec and the Catholic adoptive the Center in Warsaw.

The resort of Sosnowiec is only to issue opinions on the eight ongoing procedures, there will be a new start. In contrast, with the leadership of the center in Warsaw, despite attempts we were unable to contact today.

Earlier adoptions dealt with the adoption center at the Regional Mazowiecki Center for Social Policy and the National Association of Children's Friends adoption. Both centers are no longer authorized.

"First, support for Polish families"

Director of the Regional Center for Adoption Bo?ena Sawicka says in an interview with that the reasons no one received permission from the ministry did not inform her. Resort facility also had to present any charges.

The resort adoptions conducted over 20 years, a year abroad getting through it, on average, dozens of children. Most of them had made to Italy, the United States, France , the Netherlands and Sweden. Among families adopting ten percent are Polish or of Polish roots.

- None of us have never depended on that to send children abroad. It would start with the first support and encouragement for Polish parents, and not the start of restrictions - says the director of the center.

I cite the data of the Ministry stating that 20 per cent. concerns the adoption of children with disabilities, and in 7 cases out of 10 it comes to the separation of siblings.

- I do not know what data used by the Ministry. In our center, these data do not overlap. There are cases separating siblings, but not on such a scale and in situations when, for example. One child is 17 years old and born next - explains Bo?ena Sawicka.

- Not all children have the certificate of disability. A child with Down syndrome may not have such a document if it was not needed. And this may understate statistics - he adds.

"With empty and Solomon will not dispense"

Permissions also received the National Center to adoptive TDP in Warsaw. The Ministry says that the operating center for 27 years' work collapsed. " The reason was a matter of Polish nuns, which were then distributed in the United States.

- American Family meet all the criteria, the documents have been approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy - says in an interview with the director of the center Izabela Rutkowska. - It turned out that the problems with the girls were so great that the Americans renounced their parental rights to one of them. She adopted her other family, everything was done according to the law - he adds.

Rutkowska notes that foreign families in their own country through the whole qualification process, as well as relevant training related to international adoption.

- Adoption of foreign should be less, but how to do it? Polish How to encourage families to adopt children difficult to adopt each other, for example. Thirteen-year and fourteen-year? What to do to have adopted a child with alcohol syndrome? - asks Izabela Rutkowska, director of the National Center for Adoption TPD. - There are no such families, with a blank and pour Solomon - he adds.

From the center a year abroad getting far more than a hundred children. - Polish families usually adopt a lack of: they have a child, so they want to have them. The families of foreign adoptions arise from excess: parents often already have two, three children and adopt another. They also have time and money to take care of them - says the head of the center.

Director admits that the ministerial statistics on children with disabilities are understated, because it happens that decisions on disability are not ill, for example. Epilepsy. - Only a dozen or so percent of children are healthy, and their way abroad, primarily because there were going with her siblings - Rutkowska explained.

It also explains that the resort tries not to separate brothers and sisters. - Sometimes, however, so that siblings for various reasons do not feel the need to function together if, for example. Brought up in different environments. And sometimes one child was adopted by a Polish family, and the second, sick, still waiting for the house - mark.

Ministry: we plan review of the Act

Ministry wants this quarter view the law regulating surrogate custody.

- We want to attract more candidates for foster parents. We want it to be more work with the biological family, family support assistants - said Marchuk.

We asked the question to the ministry, how many will eventually be a limited number of foreign adoptions, and in what situations, however, will be allowed. We are waiting for answer.

See also: Patrick after 19 years found a devoted sister for adoption