Ombudsman asks why adoption centers are closed
1 February 2017

RPD asks about adoption centers closed

Published: 01/02/2017 Updated: 02/01/2017, 11:02

Photo: 123RF

Why closed centers authorized to carry out adoption procedures abroad, and whether as a result of this decision has not been tampered interests and rights of children? - asks the Ombudsman for Children Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy El?biet? Rafalsk?.



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January 13 MRPiPS reported that international adoption procedure will only lead: Diocesan Adoptive-Guardian Center for Life and Family Service in Sosnowiec and Catholic adoption center in Warsaw. Authorization from the Ministry of lost machine Mazovia Center for Social Policy, Provincial adoption center in Warsaw and the National Adoption Society of Friends of Children in Warsaw.

Ombudsman asked to Elizabeth Rafalski to present the reasons for which the appropriate centers have lost the power to conduct foreign adoption and an indication of reasons in favor of choosing, in place of the Diocesan Center for Adoption and Care Center for Life and Family Service in Sosnowiec.

RPD asks also whether before, in the department were carried out to analyze the effects referrals foreign adoptions pending the centers that have lost the power to conduct procedures for foreign adoption to the two centers indicated in the notice of 13 January 2017., In particular the effects of prolongation adoption proceedings, as well as the possible breach of the right and interests of children who are in the procedure of adoption.

Speech by Commissioner for Children's Rights to the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy
